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2 pages/≈550 words
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Campaigns and Elections and the American Political Structure

Essay Instructions:

Toward A More Perfect Union: Introduction to American Government Third Edition by Patrick Coaty Edited by Gordon Babst

Journal Assignments

Journal assignments are extra credit. If a student hands in all four journals they will earn full credit. A completed assignment will be two pages. Again, I would like to see a structured argument and demonstration of your personalization of the material. PLEASE DO NOT COPY DIRECTLY FROM THE BOOK. PLEASE NO QUOTES.

1 Read Chapter 8 in More Perfect Union, 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address (view it on YouTube), George Washington's Inaugural Address, Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address. Question: What was the campaign promises embedded in these Presidential speeches? Do you think these promises were fulfilled?  Journal entry must be a minimum of two (2) pages in length to receive credit.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Political science: campaigns and elect
A more perfect union looks into the political and electoral process and adjustments in practices that have made America a beacon of democracy. Campaigns and elections have played a critical role towards articulation of different positions over the years. Even though, not all promises have been fulfilled in different Presidential administrations, the lay ground for an administration’s policies on the pressing matters of the day. Emphasis on civil liberties and freedoms and how presidential candidates interest such matters have been influenced politics over time since the late 18th century. Additionally, the legislative arm of the government through the Senate and House of Representatives has influenced America’ political structure and campaign structure. This paper focuses on the 17th amendment and the inaugural addresses of John F Kennedy and George Washington and the second inaugural address of Abraham Lincoln.
Journal 1
The 17th amendment of the U.S. constitution was a milestone for the country’s legislature, upon which each state would have two senators serving for a term of six years with each senator having one vote (Coaty 595). This amendment further laid down the procedures for issuing writs of election to fill vacancies as well as making temporary appointments of people to fill vacancies that arose in the senate. After the Civil War, the president held less power than Congress, unlike after WWII where the President was more powerful.
Journal 2
President JFK’s inaugural address first touched on America’s founders and resilience of the American people. The speech also delves into the beliefs and values of America, while also pledging to help restore peace. The pledges were meant to inspire freedom and free the oppressed was not at...
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