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Supposing that it is impossible to prove definitively that God exists?

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Supposing that it is impossible to prove definitively that God exists, what reasons do Mary Daly and Pascal offer for believing or not believing in God? Do you find these reasons convincing? What does it mean for faith if God’s existence cannot be proved?

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God’s existence is a question that has been there for centuries. There has not been a distinct answer to the question. People live in a world of self-opinion on the existence of God. The world has two different sides of believers where one part believes in the existence of God and the other does not. The situation has lead to the emergence of two-core religions in the world. The devil worshippers and those who worship God whom they believe lives in heaven. Basing our argument on philosophical bases, we will look at Mary Daly and Pascal’s point of view on the existence of God.
Mary Daly based was a religious feminist who contradicted the believe that many Christians believe that God is a man. She embraced Tillich’s view on God’s existence. She supports that God does exist as proposed by Paul Tillich. Daly suggests that God is the power of being a point. By saying so, she affirms that God exists although not being. The opinion of God being the power of being expounds that since he runs all the beings that exist definitely he must be existing to manage the existence of all beings.
Daly also explains that God has the power, above all, being. Hence, he exists to rule over all the beings. Believe of having power over all the being suggests that God must be existing to control the existence of the beings on earth.
Pascal wager also tries to explain the belief in God with an appeal to self-interest. He suggests that it is our interests to believe in God and that it reasonable for Christians to believe in God. He argues his opinion based on the corollaries of belief and disbelief in God. He argues that if Christians believe in God, they expect a greater reward in heaven, and if they decide not to believe in God, they expect eternity punishment. The belief that God exists cost one nothing, and if God exists, a greater reward is expected. If one prefers not to believe in God, a greater punishment is expected if God truly exists.
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