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Three Critically Important Values That Have Been Passed Down by my Parent to Me

Essay Instructions:

The paper should be on the order of 750 to 850 words, and provide a summary account of your values--both how some are passed down from generation to generation, and how new values evolved. 

Please do your best to respond to the four open-ended questions, below. 

Please answer all the questions in order.

You need to turn in your essay by Turnitin.com after you finish.

In order to prepare your paper, think about, and then write your responses to, the following points/ questions. 

1. Start with a brief description of the household you are going to discuss. What is the time and the setting [if not the present]? What type of family do you belong to? Nuclear or extended? Who are the members of your household? 

(((My family contains 3 people, father, mother and me.)))

2. Select and describe two or three critically important values that have been passed down by your parents¡ªor perhaps, your grandparents, or your guardians¡ªto you. (N..B: since many if not most Asian and Asian American families emphasize educational achievement, as well as respect for the elderly, please avoid selecting these important but all-too-common dictums.) How did your parents or family members reinforce the importance of these values in daily life? 

(((Please make up a story for my family.)))

3. Then select and describe at least two important values that you have developed on your own, that are not derived from or shared by your parents or other family members. How did you come to develope these different values? (And if it so happens that there is a complete parallel between your family¡¯s values and your own, try to explain how and why this is the case.)

4. Finally, describe how the interrelationships between your family's members are affected by the value similarities or differences you describe above.

Please note that it is important to select key values that are significant, for both questions #2 and #3.

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Nuclear family
A nuclear family consists of a father, mother, and children. My family is a perfect example of a nuclear family composed of three members, my dad, mother, and me. My father's name is Simon Clinton while my mom's name is Mary Clinton.
Three critically important values that have been passed down by my parent to me
The first significant value that my parents have passed on to me is accommodation of other people's culture and divergent views. My parents have enabled me to learn that embracing the culture of others can make life more interesting. Furthermore, they have assisted me in learning how to listen to other people's divergent opinions, however, strange they may look. My parents have always associated with people from all races, and I have never seen them discriminate any particular group because of their race. Furthermore, we are Christians but my family has continued to associate well with believers from other religious groups such as Hindus, Muslims, and Jews. That has helped me in understanding that we all worship one God and hence I should accommodate people from different religious groups.
Another significant value passed to me by my parents is respect for other people's property. My parents have always advised me to respect property owned by others in the society. They have often requested me to refrain from stealing other people's property. In daily life situations, my parents always seek for permission before using property belonging to others. One way my parents have taught me to respect other people's property is by being honest. For instance in many cases shopkeepers have given me extra cash as balance after purchasing items, my parents have always instructed me to return the excess money back to the shopkeepers. I have learned from my parents that respect for property owned by others is the only way to live in harmony with neighbors at home.
The third value passed to me by my parents is God fearing virtue. My parents have always told me that God is the creator of the universe and hence through him I can achieve all things. My parents have also helped me to realize that by fearing God my conscience can guide me towards making ethical decisions. My parents have reinforced the importance of the value in daily life situations by involving themselves in community programs that take care of the needy in the society. I have, therefore, lea...
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