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Gender Inequality: Why Men/Women Still Can't Have It All?, Womens Status In Higher Education

Essay Instructions:

the writer can use 6 to 10 resource but let him or her add those 4 attached reference articles to my essay as a must and these 4 articles must be annotated. I need 1,300 for both the annotated bibliography and proposal combined. and the rest for the essay 10 pages, including bibloigraphy. we need to inform the writer to start with bibiography first, then follow to complete an essay this essay is a research and you can use 1 to 7 resources or even more , I would like you to use this articles first because there are in my text book. (1) "Why men still can't have it all", by Richard Dorment. (2)"Why women still can't have it all." by ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER. (3) "Dig Deep: Beyond Learn In", By Bell Hooks. ( 4) " Learn In " What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid? by SHERYL SANDBERG. please I need ten pages paper excluding the work cites. For more information see my instructor guide line . I also have two articles so please I need my writers email or else where I can send. this is the instruction that my instructor gave us. Researched Academic Argument Throughout this unit you have read articles dealing with current issues in American society: Gender Inequality, Technology, Food, The American Dream, and t he Rising C ost of College . Like the articles you read, choose an aspect of one of these topics to argue. For example, you may feel strongly t hat American consumers s h ould be morally conscious eaters . Perhaps you feel that college is worth the investment , despite the chosen major , because of the overall earnings of a college graduate over his/ her lifet ime. Maybe you’ll argue that human communication is evolving due to technology but that it isn ’ t necessarily a change for the worst . The angle you choose is up to you, but you must use strong supporti ng evidence to support your claim. Assignment: Compose a persuasive researched argument on a topic of interest related to our course themes . Make sure you read the assignment prompt very carefully to ensure you meet the minimum requirements of the assignment. This paper must:  Have an Intro duction : Your introduction will introduce readers to the topic, give its significance, and share (via the thesis statement) what will be proven about it. This should be a minimum of a half of a page and a maximum of one page. Remember that this should cont ain a thesis statement that will focus the paper (it should be the point you want to make/your argument).  Have Thorough, Well - Developed Body Paragraphs : Refer to your proposal and the supporting points outlined there . Remember that well - developed, well - sup ported arguments are essential to getting your audience to agree with you.  Synthesize the Information You Find : In the body of your paper you will need to show how your sources interact with each other as well as how they relate to your ideas. How do the s ources work together to prove your point? Use your skills honed in the last essay.  Be Persuasive : The goal of this paper is to persuade the audience rather than be strictly informational.  Have a Conclusion : This must wrap up your argu ment and not introduce any new topics.  Have Appropriate Documentation : Cite all the resources used in your paper where you use them via in - text citations, and cite them fully on the works cited page.  Have Good Grammar/Punctuation/Style/Writing Skills : Chapter 13 in the textbook provides assistance with adding style to an argument. While evidence will support your claim, style helps engage the reader. Length and Research: 2,400 - 3,000 words , excluding the works cited page. You will use 6 - 10 sources, of which at least half m ust be scholarly in nature (I recommend using journal articles) . Th e other half can include articles from the textbook. Points: The research paper is worth 300 point s of your final grade. Due Date: Proposal and Annotated Bibliography due ____________________ at your conference Research Presentation due _______________ Final draft for grading due at the time/date of our final exam. Like any other final exam, you mus t be present to submit your final (late assignments will not be accepted) . Proposal and Annotated Bibliography A proposal can help you to begin formulating a claim and finding a structure . An annotated bibliography will help you organize your research and find where it fits in your overall argument. Proposal Assignment: Write a proposal for your researched academic argument. In this proposal you will begin determining what type of argument you are writing: definitional, evaluative, proposal, or a combination of one or more rhetorical method. Despite varying rheto rical approaches, all proposals should include the following: 1. Formulation of a claim: In this section of your proposal you should identify the problem/issue and explain why it is worthy of discussion and what is at stake. Include an examination of audience . Who would you like to reach with this argument? 2. Evidence for the claim : In this section you need to discuss your reasons or supporting points for the claim. You may include brief references to research you will use to support each reason. You may also in clude a discussion of anticipated counter arguments and how you will address them in your essay. Section 2 should be the longest section of your proposal. 3. Description of the rhetorical method: You have written an evaluation arguments, bu t you are not limited to that rhetorical strategy . You may write a proposal argument with a call to action, a causal argument, or choose a combination of two or more arguments. Choosing a style will help you organize your essay. Annotated Bibliography Assignment: Compose an annotated bibliography for at least four sources you intend to use in your research paper. For each source, you will first write a works cited entry followed by a 150 word annotation describing the source’s argument and its usefulne ss in your essay. You can find a sample annotated bibliography entry on the Purdue OWL website: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/614/03/ Length: Together the proposal and annotated bibliography should total 1,300 - 1,600 words in length , e ach part comprising half the word count minimum . Research and Documentation Style: Your sources for the bibliography must be scholarly in nature . Your proposal and bibliography must be written in MLA style including in - text citations and a works cited page. Points: The Proposal and Annotated Bibliography are worth 100 point s of your final grade. 10 pages, including bibloigraphy. we need to inform the writer to start with bibiography first, then follow to complete an essay

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Gender Equality
'Why Men Still Can't Have It All'. 1st ed. 2015. Print.
In a time when the work life balance debate has found some very supportive arguments, one of the main topics of discussion is geared towards what men are going through in the cultural and social shifts within the 20st century. According to the article, men no longer have the luxury of letting their wives take care of the household chores while they are busy working. Relative to the fact that more women than men are now getting bachelor’s degrees at the rate of 60% compared to men ('Why Men Still Can't Have It All'). There has also been a shift in the amount of money that women in the twenties without children are making compared to men of their peers. However there is still a gap in the number of women that are gracing the high ranking jobs and positions in the private and public sector compared to the men. The article further brings to light the fact, that men are today putting in more ours that their fathers and grandfathers used to put in towards their housework, regardless of their number of hours at work. Part of the reason that more men are taking on more house chores is because they want to be much closer to their children, while the other reason relates to the fact that, there are radical social shifts taking place in the society, where women want men to take up more responsibility at home. This article thus fits in well with the central premises of the paper with regard to the subtle elements of gender inequality today.
'WHY WOMEN STILL CAN’T HAVE IT ALL.'. 1st ed. 2015. Print.
The article brings to light some very interesting arguments as regards the aspects surrounding women and taking on more esteemed jobs in the economy. Decades ago, women struggled to take up high ranking position in the society, relative to the fact that, they were naturally relegated to the family chores and less demanding jobs. The elemental reason for the women being relegated to the lower ranking jobs was associated with the fact that, they were also expected to put in more hours in the house chores more than the men. Men on the other hand were taken to the natural breadwinners and thus were allowed more responsibilities at work and thus rose to higher ranking position that their similarly skilled female peers. This article however, brings on a very intriguing twist to the element of women taking on high ranking jobs, by reverting to the need for women to shun away from career orientations and take on moderate responsibilities. According to the articles. Men are more likely to be emotionally at easy when leaving for long hours to go and work, where they will not necessarily be affected by their being away from their families. On the other hand women have been found to even cry when leaving for a business trip where they show a real struggle trying to balance the work and their family life. As women, seek higher positions and more responsibilities, they tend to feel guilty relative to their absence from the children’s lives, compared to men who have better instincts at coping with this distance. In this light, this article is quite crucial at developing the argument relative to the gender inequality issues in the society today. It brings on a very intriguing point of view which is quite unique to the debate.
'Women’S Status In Higher Education'. 1st ed. 2015. Print.
According to this article, women have really won the battle in the war front against policies that intimidate women to lower education status with a view of bringing on better equality among the two genders. As such more policies protecting women against discrimination to achieve higher education have been integrated in the policy network in support of gender equality. Whoever, the article is also quick to mention that, despite the fact that there are more women graduating with bachelor’s degrees than in the recent past and now more than the men in the peers, there is still a fundamental discrepancy in gender equality. Within the job market, women are still struggling to take on better paying and more responsibility positions compared to the men counterparts. As such, regardless of the educational backgrounds that women have been able to bring on board, they are still discriminated against in the job market. This is a trend that quite common in the private and public sector, where women are constantly fighting glass ceilings and sticky floors while their average skilled counterparts of the opposite gender bounce right through the ceiling. As such despite the fact that the educational barriers no longer exist for women seeking higher education, the translation of the same in the job market is highly lacking. In light of the debate that the article elicits, it forms a very intriguing support to the gender inequality debate.
Elwood, Jannette. 'Gender And Achievement: What Have Exams Got To Do With It?'. Oxford Review of Education 31.3 (2005): 373-393. Web.
According to the article, there is a very intriguing debate about what the education system relative to the examination approaches have impacted the gender disparity in the society relative to education. In this article the author dwells on the various approaches that used in the examinations at the different stages of life of a students, while elaborating on the differences that exist relative to how these approaches influence the academic abilities between the boys and the girls. This is quite interesting relative to the fact that, education is one of the most crucial elements that affects that gender equality agenda. Having some insight on the examination approaches that end up defining how the boys and girls perform differently is quite intriguing and builds on the proposal at a subtle level. According to the article, the examination system approaches, tend to favor the way that women express themselves, while curtailing the way that men like to go straight to the point without much feeling and expressions involved. This immensely contributes to the debate relative to the changing demographic figures associated with the number of women that are graduating from with degrees compared to their male counter parts. It also shows some of the flaws that the education system is leaning on to make sure that the aspect of gender equality is in favor of the women.
One of the issues that draws upon very heated debates in any conversation is that of gender equality/inequality. This is a topic that is supported with equal measures of hate and love, especially where the tow genders are involved in the debate. It is common to find the discussion gracing the local radio and television stations but more so the social media where millions of people express their heart felt feeling and opinions on the topic. As such, it is a topic that is worth deliberating on to evaluate the various aspects of the same in light of what the society is accustomed to and what shifts are taking place in the 21st century (Bhattacharya). In the recent decades women have been at the bottom of the food chain as far as the social order is concerned. It is for this reason that most of the people will find it easy to say that the world is dominated by men. In reality, there is a lot of truth to that statement and it is one that borrows from the past experiences that the society has become accustomed to. Over the years women in the last and earlier centuries have been relegated to the lower caste system in the society, while their male counterparts have been exhausted to the highest of the positions in the society. In the past, women have been treated as the lesser person and second class citizens for quite some time ('Why Men Still Can't Have It All'). As such, most of their duties were restricted to having and caring for their children along with the husbands. As such, most of their time was dedicated to house chores, while their male counterparts would be out working (Mills). This was an aspect that was also spread in the economic systems, such that women were constantly relegated to the lower job positions that did not have much responsibilities. In light of the selective position award systems, women would be thought to be better off catering for the family and thus demanding positions at the work place would go to the men, after all they did not have much house chores to handle and thus less distracted (Bhattacharya). This has since changed in favor of the women, where more women are now educated and several women have taken on very high positions in the government and the private sector. However, the element of women being discriminated is constantly loosing traction relative to their instinctive caring abilities and the fact that men are taking on more house roles (Mills).
Thesis Statement: Women are no longer under serious threat of gender inequality as has been the notion in society.
Female Discrimination
Female discrimination is the most volatile topic that graces the discussions of the battle of the sexes (Dorius and Glenn). In the recent past there have been debates and in fact advocacies stating that, women can do whatever men can do at whatever level of achievement. One of the areas that has been of great concern over the years is that women have not been allowed to pursue their educational goals as well as their counterparts. In light of the educational disparities that have been established between the men and the women, equality activists have in the past managed to have most of the educational barriers subjected to women dropped  ('Women’s Status In Higher Education'). Over the last four or more decades, there have been some major legislations established in light of bringing about some level of equality in the education sector. Among the main legislations include the Equal Pay Act, Title VII as well as the Title IX. These are legislation that have enabled the creation of a m...
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