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Sociology Topic: Ascribed and Achieved Status

Essay Instructions:

Sociology Topic - Would you have more respect for a person who is born wealthy or a person who becomes wealthy through hard work ? Address the differences associated with ascribed and achieved statuses in your answer. 

My opinion , the obvious choice would be a person who becomes wealthy through hard work . They worked hard which is the way society perceives is the most deserving why to earn money or wealth, so therefore you would have more respect for that person. In sociology we learn to see how social roles (a set of expectations for people who occupy a given social position or statues), how actual performance varies from individual to individual, and how a persons ascribed status and achieved status might effect that person overall(outcome). Ascribed status is assigned to a person at birth without regard for the persons unique talents or characteristics. Meaning if a person is born wealthy at birth they may have certain privileges vs someone who is born poor . Achieved status comes to us largely through our own efforts. 

But I would like to examine the possibility , idea, that they BOTH seem earning of respect . How they became wealthy? , what they are doing with their wealth now?. If it was done in a non honorable way .. then I would say no .. then the wealthy person who is doing right would be deeming of respect OR if this was reversed wealthy person is not doing the right thing with their wealth and is a poor role model .The idea you can respect both given the individuals personality , upbringing and situation , is what is my honest opinion . Your ascribed status may put you in a place where you can have more possibilities , conflict theorist beginning especially interested in ascribed statuses because of how they reflect a person's privileges in certain groups , social roles. BUT it does not guarantee success . Achieved status weighs heavily on the person doing something to acquire and achieved status . 

There is not right way or wrong to answer this ..

There is no wrong opinion or right opinion , in this essay .

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ascribed Vs Achieved Status
The question of which between ascribed and achieved status earns more respect is in most cases affiliated to who is asked. Someone who might not have lived through the hardships might have a different opinion to one who has. However, from a personal perspective, achieved and ascribed status concerns more or less the same thing-wealth and influence. Which earns more respect is purely based on what each of them does. Take for example two individuals, one whose status was achieved, and the other whose status was ascribed. When it comes to who gets more respect, it goes down to what they do with their respective statuses in the society that makes them worthy of respect.
In order to have a clearer picture of this scenario, it would be important to look at the basic definitions of these statuses, and the concept of respect itself. Ascribed status is one that an individual is assigned or given. One can get it as an inheritance along his or her lineage. Achieved status is one that an individual toils for. An individual works hard to earn it. Respect on the other hand, is a quality that is earned. It isn’t demanded. An individual earns respect as a result of the degree of influence he or she has over other people. Such an influence only comes as a result of the actions of the individual.
It would be expected that the individual who achieves his status ea...
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