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New York State Riffles & Pistol Association V. Bruen

Essay Instructions:


“ Paper 1: Rights, Expression, and Guns

For this assignment, you will write a short paper (maximum three pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12) designed to flex your judicial muscles from the first few weeks of the course.

Choose ONE of the following options:

1. “The concept of ‘rights’ does more harm than good.” Agree or disagree with this statement.

2. Evaluate the main arguments surrounding ONE First Amendment debate (e.g., the separation of church and state; the tension between freedom of the press and classified information; incitement and hate speech).

3. “New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen was correctly decided.” Agree or disagree with this statement.

You will be graded on how well you:

* Outline the debate surrounding your question.

* Discuss the case law that has grappled with the debate.

* Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of arguments on BOTH SIDES of the debate.

* Advance your own conclusion about the debate. In other words, answer the question. Maybe you agree with one side, neither side, or a little of both sides. But you will have more fun if you do not sit on the fence! “

Thank you!

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
New York State Riffles & Pistol Association V. Bruen
The United States supreme court decided the case of New York State Riffles and Pistol Association V. Bruen on June 23rd, 2022. Robert Nash and Brandon Koch applied for a concealed license to carry firearms for self-defense. However, the licensing officer denied the application, citing a lack of proper cause standards required to carry firearms for self-defense. The reasonable cause requires the applicant to demonstrate a particular need for self-protection, which can be distinguished from the general public. Nash and Koch sued the federal court for violating their second amendment rights. The district suit dismissed the case but appealed to the federal court. The United States Court of Appeals 2nd circuit was reversed in a 6-3 opinion("New York State Rifle and Pistol Association Inc. V. Bruen"). In addition, the court remanded the case for further proceedings where the United States of America Supreme court reversed the 2nd circuit ruling. Thus, the issue in the case was a person's right to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense under the constitution's second amendment.
The debate presented in the case is whether the state's denial of the petitioner's application for licenses of concealed firearms for self-defense violated the second amendment. The ruling by the court of appeal overturned a New York gun state law. The verdict considered the New York state requiring a license for concealed firearms in public places unconstitutional. In addition, the court ruled that the 109-year-old provision violated the 2nd amendment, affirming that states may not require law-abiding and responsible citizens to show a particular need for self-defense to qualify to carry a firearm outside the home. However, a license to carry firearms might be denied based on other factors such as the applicants' history, character, background, or ability to use guns and not their lack of particular need for self-defense.
Further, the supreme court endorsed other criteria which shall be considered when issuing a firearm license. This includes individuals' background, their mental health of an individual, fingerprints, and security courses, among others. However, this would be perceived as a weakness. Human beings are social creatures governed by emotions. Thus, an individual might suffer from mental breakdown any day, even if they have never shown signs in their history. Thus, allowing anyone to acquire a license threatens the general community. For instance, the ongoing gun violence in different states can be deduced from personal issues, mental or even adverse decisions to be toxic or remembered negatively.
To support their argument Nash and Koch argued that in the recent past, there was an increase in a robbery in their neighborhood which posed a security thr...
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