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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
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Monogamy and sexuality. Social Sciences. Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Double spaced. No Title, No cover page, No heading. Just only the material. Two full pages of content and a Worked cited page at the end. Have a Strong thesis. Provide quotes from the movie Frida (2002). Explain monogamy and sexuality. and why polygamy should be more acceptable. It can be more opinionated than factual.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Monogamy, just as the name suggests, is whereby an individual is in a sexual relationship with only one person at any one time. It is actually the opposite of polygamy. Sexuality on the other hand, is a very wide or broad terminology that helps explain the sexual thoughts, feelings and perceptions that one has about another. Sexuality constitutes the foundations of the social human interactions. The debate for or against polygamy has always raged on, especially with the subsequent modernization, which has resulted in the growth of various schools of thought. Polygamy however, should be embraced due to a number of reasons.
First, polygamy ensures that there is a balance and everyone has a partner. Statistically, there are more women compared to men. Polygamy ensures that each of these women at least, has a partner to call hers. Looking on the hindsight as well, it ensures that men don’t have to cheat on their wives. In the movie Frida, she tells her husband that she expects him “to not be faithful, but loyal.” Additionally, it prevents ‘competition’ for men by women, especially when one feels she deserves the man more than the other. The gap and imbalance are therefore mitigated if polygamy is embraced (Anderson, 2015).
In the movie Frida, it is possible that Frida was involved with two older women, both of which were discovered by her parents. In both cases, her introduction to same sex relationships was embarrassing, traumatic, and unequal in power. This history therefore isn’t a positive example of bisexuality, but an example of older women taking advantage of a financially and physically disadvantaged youth. In the Movie, Tina shares a dance, according to the movie the audience watched the dance in approval while they were locating her sexuality wit...
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