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Discuss And Compare The Two Approaches For Job Design

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Approaches For Job Design

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Approaches to Job Design
The job an individual does is a significantly imperative aspect in his or her life. The job offers individuals a living as well as aids them to actualize aims/goals including economic, social, and political. Consequently, jobs ought to be meaningful and satiating as these individuals spend a substantial amount of time at their workplaces. The roles and responsibilities assigned to their jobs need to match their interests to develop contentment and optimal performance at the job. Essentially, it is pertinent to design jobs in a manner that cause people to feel great about their jobs. Job design should be done effectively to maintain a fit between a job and its performer. Below, is a discussion of the two rudimentary approaches to job design, which are efficiency and motivational approach. Additionally, a debate on two influences/factors that make organizations adopt one of the aforementioned approaches rather than the other will be established.
Efficiency Approach
The efficiency approach entails specialization which focuses jobs to a narrow scope with simple roles to make the job process easier and elevate efficiency. Assembly lines are a classic illustration of an efficiency approach to job design (Lojomac). From an efficacy viewpoint, the activity of workers concentrating on a narrow scope of specialized responsibilities presents many advantages. Famous economists like Adam Smith firmly affirmed that this type of approach to job design was the best as it was the root of economic growth and proficiency. One of the advantages of this type of approach is its ability to expedite the process of production since job specialization allows substantial expertise buildup in one task. Moreover, the approach improves efficiency with an organization. This is because job specialized workers offer accurate output since they work on a part of the job process.
Additionally, the approach helps employees to be more independent due to the significant expertise buildup it facilitates. Consequently, supervisors and managers earn more time to concentrate on other important things that could propel the organization’s success rather than focusing on overseeing employees. The approach also minimizes operating costs as it promotes less wastage of materials and also because it minimizes labor costs as companies can pay meager wages to workers with low education and skills requirements. Regrettably, the approach does go without its faults. For example, the approach is said to promote bored...
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