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What it Means to be Male or Female in Society

Essay Instructions:

Analyze an expectation or limitation one gender has faced that the other gender has not faced to the same extent. How does this expectation or limitation shape our understanding of what it means to be male or female?

use these text: "The Clan of One-Breasted Women" by Terry Tempest Williams and "Black Men and Public Space" by Brent Staples

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The book "Black Men and Public Space", by Brent Staples depicts a picture that confirms the prejudices that the black race is facing particularly the young black men who exist in the contemporary society today. Brent clearly gives an analogy of his life in which he has in many occasions been discriminated against because of his height and skin color.
On the other hand, the book, "The Clan of One-Breasted Woman" by Terry Tempest also brings another different view into the stage. Terry in his book criticizes the government of the United States of America for their deceit on testing the effects of cancer on human beings through a nuclear. Out of this, she now belongs to a group of women with only one breast. In both of this literature, it is essential to disclose that there are certain limitations that have been enacted by the society that limit both the genders presented in the articles. It is through this that this paper seeks to analyze the expectations and limitations of these genders as purportedly disclosed in the readings.
The Black Men and Public Space
In this book, Brent typically discloses how his personal appearance frightened other people, particularly the white woman depicted in the story who he meets while taking her night walks. Brent explains that the contemporary society is comprised of a culture that is increasingly turning violent and dangerous but in as much as this may be true, he feels frustrated that the young black men and mistakenly misjudged on their appearances and outlooks and considered criminals (Staples, 2001). For instance, Brent cites two particular incidences in which he was mistaken for a burglar and his fellow journalist in the line of duty was mistaken for a serial killer. In his view, he states that these instances rarely occur, but it would be unethical to racially stereotype individuals by looking at their outlooks and behaviors.
In his literature, Brent mentions that he in many instances experiences women who fear the worst of him (Staples 41). He recounts his youthful experience in which he states, "His first victim was a woman who was white and well dressed in her early twenties." In the fast instance, this section gave me the impression that the author was guilty of having committed an offense but this was not in this case. He explains later that he did not even have the strength to kill a hen.
This makes him feel like he is surrounded by people whose fearful reactions are entirely based on their defensive behaviors. These defensive actions always lead this person to lock their doors, avoid eye contacts with other persons, and redirect their paths in order to avoid interactions with the feared young black men. This he proves in an instance where he meets a woman in an avenue got worried and picked up the pace to run in fear of him (Staples 40). Brent displays the magnitude of the incidence by using terms such as "worried glance", "picks up pace" and soon "runs" to clearly indicate the woman’s worries that triggered her behavior.
In contrast to this, Tempest Williams in her book "The Clan of One-Breasted Women" points a finger to the government over their current condition. William, a Mormon now belongs to the society of one-breasted women not because she chooses to but because the government of the United States of America carried out a nuclear testing on humans that affected their state of well-being. She alludes to her literature that her family including her mother, grandmother and six of her aunts suffered the massive effects of this circumstance (Terry Tempest Williams, 2005). Seven of the victims died while two survived the fatalities since they were in a position to complete their chemotherapies.
Williams states that for years she had been dreaming of seeing a bright light in the night and while she was talking to her dad one day she was informed she saw the light, and this was not a dream. The light as depicted in this story was an atomic testing that was carried out in Nevada in the ye...
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