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Main Issues in the Films Dangerous Minds and Training Day

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Dangerous Minds (1995)
Dangerous Minds is a 1995 American drama film directed by John Smith and produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer (Jeong 46). The film tells the story of LouAnne, an ex-marine turned teacher struggling to connect with her students in an inner-city school. Louanne Johnson, popularly known as Mrs. Johnson, quit her nine-year marine career to focus on his passion: teaching English (Jeong 47). She moves to an inner city and applies for a job at the inner city school. She gets the job immediately and is posted at the inner city school, where she encounters a hostile class to handle. The students in her class neither see the value of education nor show any interest in learning. They have been taught to trust no one and accept failure. Initially, she receives a terrible reception from the unruly students. Determined to motivate the students and give them the opportunity to succeed in life, the enthusiastic Mrs.
Johnson sets up to educate the students using every possible means, including unconventional teaching methods like karate and Bob Dylan lyrics to gain their trust (Jeong 47). She also bribes and manipulates the students to get them to learn. Mrs Johnson defies the rules and creates her own curriculum, although frustrated because her students have accepted they are worthless. However, Mrs Johnson is convinced that the students have a brighter future. They have standardized test grades from average to excellent (Jeong 47). Mrs. Johnson's determination to help the students, demonstrated through the unconventional teaching methods, attracts students who begin to trust her, making it easier for the teacher to educate them. As the movie continues, students embrace education and are willing to face the future. The film is based on a true story.
The main issue in this film is helping disadvantaged students. Dangerous Minds is primarily an anti-status quo like many heroic teacher films. The movie represents teachers as lone soldiers in a battle against bureaucrats and administrators to reach unruly students and make changes. Throughout the film, the principle and the vice principal of the inner-city school appear to be conservative and out of touch. The principal establishes and implements the teaching rules but always remains inside his office. He also has no contact with the learners and their troubled lives. In a particular scene, Mrs. Johnson desperately looks for Emilio, but the principal is more concerned with the student's conduct than the real threats faced by Emilio.
The movie also supports unorthodox methods of teaching. Initially, Johnson tried to use discussion, traditional lecturing, and disciplinary approaches but failed (Jeong 48). What ultimately wins the students over are promises of fancy diners, carnivals, and candy, and Johnson's concern in their personal lives. For instance, she advises them on pregnancy issues, loans them money, invites them into her home, and visits their families. The success of these methods gives the impression that educators should explore new approaches, even radical ones, as long as they improve education. According to the film, education is critical in helping students become successful in life. Johnson is heard talking about life choices with Kallie and the need to avoid being trapped by one’s physical circumstances. The viewers also witness her attempt to save physical lives. In other words, she tries to demonstrate the value of life, which one sees through education.
Another aspect portrayed in the film is juvenile delinquency. As Mrs Johnsons is having dinner with her students in a restaurant, the student reveals that he wears a stolen jacket. However, that fact does not bother him, indicating that it is common in this neighborhood. The student also reveals that he can do anything to pay for the jacket, including stealing. The Dangerous Minds also shows the concept of killing as a defense. Law enforcement officers do not seem to play a significant role in maintaining law and order in this community, and citizens are used to taking matters into their own hands. For instance, when someone released from jail threatens Emilio, Emilio says he would instead handle the situation single-handedly than report to the authorities. According to Emilio, killing someone threatening him is the only way to solve the problem. Students in the community are also involved in drug dealing. Emilio reveals that the person threatening him is his age mate and schoolmate.
Throughout the film, the inner city students are depicted as having a life full of violence and hopelessness. The movie exaggerates all the details without showing any positive characters of the students before Mrs. Johnson’s arrival. This is where the title of the film Dangerous Minds originates from and is the primary theme discussed. From the story's beginning, the teenagers are seen as unruly and unwilling to cooperate with anyone because their minds have been corrupted. However, despite the environment, Mrs. Johnson beats all the odds to educate the students and make them understand the importance of education. Critics of this film may argue that Dangerous Minds is stereotypical regarding adolescents.
Apart from a few students whose lives revolve around violence, none of the other students have dangerous minds, making the title inappropriate. According to critics, a more suitable title for the movie would be developing minds. It is because the film takes the viewer through the student development process. For example, students knew nothing about poetry when they began learning it. They did not know Basic English but...
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