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Conservative Argument Against Abortion

Essay Instructions:

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Topic 1:  What is the conservative argument against abortion? What is the liberal argument for allowing access to abortion? Why is personhood such an important concept in the abortion debate? Which view do you find most plausible and why?

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Abortion Debate
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Abortion Debate
There are two main opposing views at the heart of the abortion debate: the conservative view, which sees abortion as morally and ethically wrong, and the liberal view, which sees access to abortion as a fundamental aspect of women's reproductive rights. The views are based on different ethical, moral, and legal principles held by the two sides. Additionally, the concept of personhood is crucial in the abortion debate, as it dictates the period at which a fetus becomes entitled to legal rights. This essay will explore the conservative and liberal views on abortion and the importance of personhood in the abortion debate.
On the one hand, the conservatives posit that a developing fetus should be considered a person with legal rights making abortion an act of murder. Grounded on religious beliefs, the view is informed by the idea that life begins as soon as one is conceived. The conservatives further base their views on moral grounds, asserting that all human beings have inherent value and that abortion goes against the sanctity of life. Some conservatives also argue that the availability of abortion promotes promiscuity and leads to a breakdown of traditional family values. Overall, the conservative position on abortion is focused on protecting the rights of the unborn fetus and preserving traditional moral and cultural values.
On the other hand, the liberals hold that a woman's right to dictate what should happen to her body trumps the rights of a fetus. In line with this view, liberals support abortion as they consider it to be a process through which women exercise control over their bodies. Legalized abortion is viewed by liberals as an essential factor that guarantees women safe reproductive health. Additionally, liberals often assert that restrictions on abortion contribute to hea...
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