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Looking Glass: How it Self Translates Into the Idea and Feelings About Self

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The experience of the self is central to being human. The essence of the self is to be both the subject and object of one’s feelings, thoughts, and actions. Our self becomes real to us as we act toward ourselves as others do.

Using the reading by Cooley, explain the looking-glass metaphor. How does the looking-glass self translate into an idea of the self? How does it also translate into feelings about the self?

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The Self as Sentiment and Reflection
Society plays a significant role in transforming and influencing an individual's life. Notably, social relationships between people rely on a particular society's beliefs and traditions (Cooley 176). In addition, existing theories elaborate more on understanding how society interacts and transforms people's lives. One of these concepts includes the theory of sentiments, which Charles Horton Cooley developed. This concept elaborates on how the looking-glass self translates into an idea of the self and how it translates into feelings about the self.
How the Looking-glass-self Translate into an Idea of the Self
Other people's opinion significantly influences individuals' choices and preferences. Notably, when people admire a person for having a particular item, they tend to adore and like it. For instance, an individual who people frequently appreciate for their nice trousers or dress tends to choose that cloth as their favorite (Cooley 177). In this instance, these people will prefer such clothing as their own that resulted due to people's opinion. Besides, when people criticize an individual for owning a particular item they deem illicit, such an individual will disassociate from it. For example, fellow students or the public are more likely to criticize if they find a particular student with a packet of cigarettes. In brief, people tend to choose a particular object or action according to other people's opinions or reactions.
People attain their behavior from other people's reactions to their frequent activities. Most people desire better treatment from their friends, family, and society (Cooley 175). Therefore, people tend t...
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