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Cultural Diversity in Action

Essay Instructions:


In this assignment, you are to go out and find “diversity,” as you define it, observe cultural diversity in action, write about it, and analyze it.

In Outside Lies Magic (1999), John Stilgoe tells us to “Get out now. Not just outside, but beyond the trap of the programmed electronic age so gently closing around so many [of us]…. Flex the mind, a little a first, then a lot…. Get out and look around, see accurately, notice, make connections.

For this assignment, I would like you to do just that. Get out [off campus/out of your dorm/out of your residence], take a look around, and make connections… in a way that relates back to some of our course discussions about diversity in the US.


Observation and Description. Visit an off-campus cultural site where you are confident that you will encounter “cultural diversity” as we’ve begun to think about it. Preferably you will observe social interactions between people you consider different from yourself. Briefly introduce and describe the site and describe the people you are observing. If you’re in a situation where you are participating and interacting, take mental notes of what is going on and how people are interacting with one another and with you. If you are observing, it may be appropriate to take notes, which will help you to write up a more coherent description or narrative of what you see and hear. If a particular interaction or two are particularly interesting or revealing, you may decide to focus on these. [You’ll find that in a short paper, you cannot usually be exhaustive.]

Analysis/Interpretation. In the second part of your paper, I would like you to analyze, ponder, interpret, compare—not necessarily judgmentally, that relates your observations to class (canvas) discussions and specific readings—for example, on culture, diversity, gender, “race,” ethnicity, borders, contested belonging, etc. Can you make any connections to course reading? How might one of our authors “read” this encounter? Can you use any of the course concepts that have been introduced? What does your observation suggest about “cultural diversity in the US”?

Rationale/Reflection. In a final paragraph or two I would like you to justify your choice of a site or interaction. Why did you choose this place? (Not just because it was easy or convenient for this assignment.) Why is this place or the people and interactions you observed culturally interesting? Why is it worthy of cultural exploration? What does it suggest to you about cultural diversity (or unity) in the US? How did you feel while you were there? What insights does this experience provide into you and your own understandings of diversity? In what ways did you come up against your own cultural limits of insight and understanding? What might it take for you to interact effectively with people in this milieu?


Does your paper contain all four sections (Observation and description, Analysis, Rationale)? Is each section well developed? Do you cite course readings and presentations?

Does your description provide the following?

a vivid, rich description of the site and interactions you observed

well-chosen details that shed relate back to some of the things we’ve been reading about and discussing.

Does your analysis seek to explain or interpret what you’ve described? Do you draw on relevant course concepts and class readings to make sense of what you’ve observed? If you cite course readings do you include the page number of the readings: (Mcquire, p. 472)?

Do you make a convincing case as to why you chose this particular observation? Does your reflective section show signs of thought, discomfort, or even “struggle” and an effort to understand why you feel the way you do?

Are the sections well laid out? Are sections and paragraphs clearly introduced with smooth transitions? Are paragraphs well structured? Is the writing clear, crisp, grammatical, thoughtfully worded, and readable? Is this paper a pleasure to read or does rough writing make it hard to enjoy?

Do not use a separate title page. In the top left corner of your first page include your name, Course (ATH 185), Date, my name, the assignment (Ethnography Paper), and an interesting title that will make me want to read your paper. Your final draft should be typed and double-spaced. Insert page numbers.

I will send the criteria on next step. The class reading we currently looking to is "Travel With Charley" by John Steinbeck and "My Name Is Ashley Lev"by Ashley Lev.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Observation and Description
On this fateful day, I visited a famous entertainment joint, where I learned that people from all cultures visit on weekends. The place was an ideal sanctuary with a lounge, spa, bar, and indoor tennis bubbles. On this day, it was on the weekend, so the place was packed. I recognized many different kinds of people of their skin color, including white Americans, African Americans, and Asians. We were all having the time of our lives, each at their favorite spot doing their own thing. The mood was generally happy and joyous, with minimal wailing from minor conflicts and wars emanating from ego complexes between the gate guards and normal minors. Being extroverted, I could interact smoothly with everyone since starting conversations has never been hard for me. One interesting interaction I realized was how most people there were white Americans, and they were only interacting amongst themselves. Rarely did I notice an instance where a white American sat at the same table as a black American. Another interesting interaction I realized was that all the Asians sat at their specific corners and enjoyed themselves in groups. They were somehow isolated from the rest of the crowd, and it was clear that they enjoyed socializing all by themselves. I took note of these observations for use in this assignment.
Understanding cultural diversity goes beyond borders. It takes courage to have the will to learn and get away from the normal culture and realm. To understand various cultures, one must step out and admit that they do not know. In his book, Steinbeck stated that he did not know or understand his own country, yet he had been a writer for the longest time, writing about America (Steinbeck 5). According to him, it was vital that he stepped out to see his country's color, hills, and general orientation. Diversity entails different people's uniqueness and unique attributes in a given arena. In the entertainment joint, all people were doing and demonstrating their uniqueness through their different ways of expressing themselves and interacting with each other. The author states that when he came out to learn and observe different people in joints where they stopped and gathered, he listened and looked and was amazed at how much he had failed to understand diversity (5). At the entertainment joint, people sat with their racial counterparts and seemed to get along better...
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