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Is Legal Abortion A Good Thing Or Bad Thing? Social Sciences Essay

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This is a philosophy paper, i already finish half of it , u need to finish the rest of it.

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Ethical Question
Abortion is a sin according to the Christian teachings. But in some situations, abortion is legal and can also be illegal. I tend to assume that the majority of the American women and girls die of unsafe abortion. They fear to get the safe abortion because abortion is not legalized at all circumstances hence they end up dead trying unsafe methods. Another assumption that I have on abortion is that it can be used a population control method in America. Increase in population without enough resources to sustain the population has been a problem in many countries (Woodruff 2018). Abortion can be used as a birth control method in that any woman who conceives and she is not able to raise a child, abortion should be carried out to get rid of the child who will only add more problems to his her parents.
But, are there any forms of safe abortion? The answer is yes, there exist safe ways of doing abortion but after all, they all involve taking someone's life. Even the safe methods can sometimes fail and take away the life of the mother too hence they are not 100% safe. Is it ethical to use abortion as a birth control? The answer is no, it can never be ethical even if it is right. Nobody has the right to take away someone's life in the name of population control. If a baby is already conceived even if is through rape, the society should not think of abortion, instead, it should think of how to help this family raise this poor kid (Woodruff 2018).
Abortion should never be legal in some cases. In the case where abortion is contacted ...
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