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Your professional help are greatly appreciated. As a non-major, this assignment became a distraction of my focus. A) The 3 sources have to related to the designated area, \\\"High Park, Toronto, Canada\\\". And they can\\\'t be from the course-list. (Course Outline and reading list could be provide) B) This is the third assignment, and it\\\'s related to the 2 previous assignment. The first is just collecting data from a census data-base of that particular area. And the second is just a 300 word reaction paper. (Such attachments are available upon request.) C) The 3 source that I found might be relevant are follow: - Feminist activism for safer social space in High Park, Toronto: How women got lost in the woods Whitzman, Carolyn.Canadian Journal of Urban Research 11. 2 (Winter 2002): 299. o - Restoration as healing [High Park, Toronto] Boye, Solomon.Alternatives Journal 25. 2 (Spring 1999): 18. And Maybe: - The dream of High Park (Toronto Free Theatre) Canadian Theatre Review 47 (Summer 1986): 29-37.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Gender Parity in High Park Restoration
Urban planning had been concentrated on area where feminist planning theory had no say. It is thus imperative for all planning to incorporate all genders in formulation and implementation of any project. The development of public space in urban areas has to be safe to all concerned people in the society. This is because all people are able to access the space regardless of gender or ethnicity. Many earlier urban planning of public space did not consider interest of gender and ethnicity and this made it possible for this public parks and space to be accessed mostly by a certain gender and ethnic group due to issues of safety. Females have been found to avoid public spaces citing the issue of safety and this has made the parks to be dominated by male from a specific social economic and ethnic group.
The urban setting of Toronto’s high park had not considered the interest of gender and ethnicity balance and this resulted to it being considered not safe by female and lower social class groups. This brought forth the imbalance in using the park thereby leading to feminist movements regarding its safety and degradation of the park’s ecosystem. The paper will looks on how the ecology and ethno-biology was restored couple with female safety in High park Toronto in the restoration of the park savannah and improvement of physical project (Boye).
There has been feminist activism regarding cities planning and uses of public space and bringing forth issue such as sexual assaults into public view. The discourse of women needs with respect to public safety concerns has been viewed through the need to talk lens in order to make substantive differences and the possibility of unavoidable corruption in principles that accompanies the liberal change (Whitzman).
The Toronto High park feminist movement was aimed at instilling value in the populace by appreciating the beauty and purity of nature, and the provision of family oriented avenue for leisure. Many battles have been witnessed in an effort to preserve High Park’s natural beauty by modifying it from its original form and a site for recreational purpose (Whitzman). This is because the park had been contested between different social economic classes and racial minority.
The right of females to use parks has been disputed as they have been encouraged to take their children during the day, but due to different social class women have the tendency to avoid others. Therefore they tend to utilize the public space after dark to protect their reputation and safety of their children. This resulted to the question of whose park with respect to gender, race and age.
High Park is the largest known park in central Toronto with about 400 acres which has been over there for 100 years. The park constitutes a variety of natural landscape and a range of amenities for more recreation activities (Whitzman).
 INCLUDEPICTURE "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Toronto_map.png/240px-Toronto_map.png" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Toronto High Park (Whitzman)
The amenities includes swimming pool, tennis court, a small zoo allotment gardens and open air theatre during summer and skating trails during winter. High park safety has been discussed with an aim of preventing occurrence of accidents traffic safety and wild animals as well as attack from fellow human beings.
In order to maintain safety within this parks there have been expert code that dictates the measurements of trails and sidewalks and prohibition of fire in certain areas. The park is intensively used, but also a major difference is sighted by the visitors to the park. Although the park has much attraction cites and its proximity to three subway stations, most of the park visitors come from the west side of the city. Most of the visitors have their origin from white from Europe as they are the majority in the area and also the feeling of unwelcome in the park hinders other people from minority groups to visit. There is no age group that seems to predominate but the ratio of men t o women has been seen to vary throughout the day with ratios being 2:1 in the morning and 3:1 in the evening (Whitzman). Women have been seen top dominate allotment gardens and playgrounds but men dominate in nature trails and swimming pool.
 INCLUDEPICTURE "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0c/Day243highparkp.jpg/272px-Day243highparkp.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  High Park during Spring
The gender imbalance in the park is not as a result of many males living within the vicinity of the park or many women having little need to visit the parks but the low income generation and lack of public transport from the city. There is a perception that women are caregivers to children and other dependents and thus, their visit to the park is a pleasant and low cost activity.
The most concern with respect to visit of the park is cited as safety, and hence a serious concern regarding fear of public space. The economic and social cost is not much a serious concern than the women fear of crime and violence in the park. The significant problem in High Park has been felt by the government such the invasion of the park by non native vegetation and erosion of trails. This has given bad reputation of the park as there had been cases reported regarding assaults and rape in the park and its vicinity (Whitzman). Thus, the government has resulted in renovating the park with the views drawn from all stakeholders regarding the safety of the park.
Many women responded by citing not knowing what was out there in the park, and the particularity of men who were perverts and transients. The park had also the feeling of isolation and this offered the great fear among women. The park has therefore been reinforced with more police patrols and presence of phones in areas that are more isolated.
The image of High Park had been perceived as a dark forest in which dangerous men could hide, and this safety concern has placed concerns regarding public violence in parks. This made the image of fear in reality to lay behind women minds. The revamping of High Park had to include women fear concern in the implementation of this project and became a guideline for to limit accidents (Whitzman).
The government enacted a safety audit whose aim was to empower women regarding their needs in the analysis of safety and public space which provided a language describing problems and their solution. This provided a safety haven as guidelines were put in place and the strategies t o enhance high park to be a safe place were monitored to prevent violence against women and other vulnerable groups (Whitzman).
High park revitalization was focused on resource and natural environment management with the urgency of restoration of the black oak savannah in High Park. The revitalization of High Park was balanced between environmental, Historical and safety concerns. The position of environment was more than that of female and male use and the improvement of the park safety was through the ecosystem being re...
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