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How Patriarchy subjugate Women to Inferior Positions?

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Hello, TO WRITER: please ask him if he can send me the philosophical theory that he will apply to that essay please - through messages This is an essay paper. I am sending you the topic, \"Feminism, Motherhood\" and a \"Discussion Question #3\" which the writer needs to read in order to do the essay. After reading the material he needs to answer the question #3 in an essay format. The answer to the question is actually the essay \"NOT THE TOPIC FEMINISM AND THE WORK PLACE\" writer also needs to find 2 more sources. Bellow you will find clear instructions. IN CASE YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE DONT WAIT TO THE LAST MINUTE TO CONTACT ME. I am also sending you pictures from 390- to 401pages of the textbook: this is part of the bibliography NAme of the book is: Boss, Judith. (2009) Analyzing Moral Issues (5ed.). Columbus: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Your Name PHI2604 Prof. Munns Term Paper Assignment 1. Topics: The Term Paper is due on Monday, December 10, 2012.It will be graded in accordance with the Gordon Rule Rubric. a. Feminism, Motherhood, and the Workplace, Boss, p. 432, Discussion Question #3 2. Format: Your answer to each question should be 5 typed, double-spaced pages. Your name, the course number, and the instructor's name should appear in the upper left corner of the first page (see above). The title (yes, you must have a title) should be centered above the first paragraph. No cover sheets, title sheets or report covers will be accepted. An appropriate 12 point font, such as Times New Roman, should be used. Margins should be 1 inch. 3. Content: Your answer should be written as a cohesive essay with an introduction and conclusion. The thesis should be stated in the introduction and supported by the paragraphs in the body of the essay. Be sure that you have answered the entire question and supported your answer with examples, analogies, facts, etc. 4. Sources: Students are required to use at least two sources—journal articles, academic web sites, philosophical texts, etc.—other than their text books to complete their term papers. Any internet resource must be of appropriate academic rigor. Wikipedia is not an appropriate source. 5. References: Your paper must contain appropriate in-text citations for any information that you directly quote or paraphrase—even if it is taken from your text books. Any work cited must be included on the bibliography, which does not count as one of the 5 required pages. Proper MLA style should be followed for citations and the bibliographic references.
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How Patriarchy subjugate Women to Inferior Positions
The traditional form of gender discrimination affirms that gender biasness is not an unfortunate occurrence but methodically rooted in cultural and societal perspective. This aspect is also reinforced by Patriarch. Patriarch concerns itself on power struggles between male and female gender or between the opposite genders. It is a system used to distinguish between class, gender, race, and heterosexual privileges structured in the society. This system majorly relies on violence, or laws that discriminate women to propagate inequality. The essence of Patriarchal beliefs of men lies in the use of violence to suppress women. Although Patriarchy may not necessarily be abusive, it is a structural force that influences power relations between men and women.
In most cases, customs and traditions are used in justifying gender discrimination through archaic cultural philosophies on gender relation. Most cultures defend patriarchy although the manifestation may differ from one culture to another. The main element for patriarchy is power. However, the problem occurs when it is conflated with abuse, masculinity or male chauvinism. There is need for a systematic analysis on how to define real power and the systems used to do the same. Feminism, which is concerned with women claiming their rights to self-autonomy and gender equality fights for gender conformity and to substitute the correlation of power with a meaningful relation. In our discussion on how patriarchy subjugates women to inferior position, we will employ the virtue ethics theory to make us understand on why women should be given fair treatments in all situations.
Virtue Ethics Theory
Being one of the important approaches to normative in ethics, virtue ethics emphasises, moral characters and values away from the deontology approach which stresses on rules or duties or that that emphasises the outcome of actions. For instance, it may chance that one needs urgent help. One who applies utilitarian principle could explain that doing so will make the other’s life better. A deontologist on the other hand would act on the essence of following moral obligations. A virtue ethicist in this case will do so on the assumption that the act done comes of compassion or benevolence (Glenn, 2011, p191–207).
In applying moral ethics in our day today activities, the moral status of the other being should be taken into consideration. We must recognise that the other beings too have rights and interests which are the same as ours. Hence, how we treat others rights should be a reflection on how we wanted ours to be taken care of. In other words, “Do unto others as you would want to be done by others”.
Patriarchy in Goldenberg’s Perspective
In her book, “Changing of the Gods: Feminism and the End of Traditional Religions” Naomi Goldenberg articulated that, women should bring an end to God. According to her, God had been perceived as a male being and therefore all men were relegating themselves the role of God. The means to ending this aspect of God according to her was for women to dominate the political, arts, religious, social and even economic realms. This translates that at her time, men were dominating these areas (Goldenberg, p3). In accordance to the feminists, if God was indeed considered as male, then all males were in the position of God. Therefore, this aspect put women in inferior positions. In support of this argument, another female feminist, Daly Mary opines that the symbol used by God the father originated in humanities’ imaginations and is mostly used for supporting patriarchies. This in turn has contributed to its being affirmed by the society and has been used to discriminate women. If God the father is seated in heaven as a ruler of his children, then this must be the nature of events and that the world societies are expected to be male dominated (Daly, p.13).
Why Patriarchy has no Value in the Present Perspective
The inconsistency between women’s centrality and obligation in making the society and their marginality in a process that is giving them the meaning of their struggle against their situations can be depicted in the present perspective. In the course of their struggle and at a particular moment in their life, the contradictions in their connection to the society and chronological courses are brought into their consciousness. They are then rightly supposed to be labelled as deprivations that female share in general. This realisation of self consciousness by women becomes the dialectical momentum moving them into action to modify their situation and establish to new course to male dominated society.
The feminist theory is based on their assumption on the nature of human beings and how it relates to the status of men and women. These assumptions have significantly influenced the solutions feminist bring forth as a means of curbing women oppression. Conservatives believe that naturally, women are submissive. The aspect of Patriarchy i...
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