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3 pages/≈825 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:

Guidelines about the topic

This topic is about inventions that contributed directly to modern life.

This topic is about "changes" it made to the life of everyday people.

The topic is about how people's lives changed for the better because of this invention.

Students who chose this topic wrote about the following inventions:

The Internet (always capitalized), the computer, home appliances (collectively treated as one invention in each paragraph of the essay), the automobile, electricity, the printing press, the radio, the cell phone, television. (Do not go too far back in history to discuss the wheel and the knife, etc….

Choose an invention that is worthwhile to all people and that you can write an essay within the required number of words about. Choose an invention that made many changes in people's lives, but on which you can write from common knowledge.

There are some great inventions that do not fit the requirements of this essay, such as social media. Many people live their lives without using social media, but cannot live without electricity, television, or the automobile, for example.

Pay attention to that the word 'invention' does not mean a specific product. So you may discuss the invention of the automobile, but not a specific model or make, for example.

What the essay should discuss

The essay is about change and each topic sentence has to have the word "change" in it. It is about how people's lives became different and better because of this invention. So avoid making the topic a discussion of the features or the benefits of the invention. Make it about changes in people's lives.

What the essay cannot discuss

Do not discuss the benefits of the invention. The essay should not be about benefits. It should be about how it changed people’s lives.

Do not discuss the features of the invention (such as the features of the cell phone) except for mentioning the change they created. For example: “The cell phone changed the way people take pictures. Its built in camera and video enable people to take pictures without carrying a heavy object around their neck that they may or may not use.”

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The world has experienced a myriad of inventions over the years that have changed people’s lives making them easier. These inventions may be big or small impacting positively on how people engage in their daily lives. Some of these inventions include the computers, automobiles, the internet, mobile phones and the television among others. These inventions have changed a majority of people’s lives for better improving they manner in which activities, processes and communications have traditional taken place. This paper seeks to discuss how the invention of the mobile phone has changed people’s lives for better changing the way in which the society functions through increase efficiency in enhancing communication among other services accessible or provided by the mobile phones.
The mobile phone greatly changed the way people communicate enhancing communications and relationships globally. The cell phone has therefore socially changed interactions and developing new networks and relationships as well as strengthening the already existing ones. People are able to interact and share important information frequently using the mobile phone. Additionally, cell phones have changed the business world and this device has revolutionized business especially in financial transactions through M-banking and other acceptable methods of money transfer using the cell phone. It is also evident that they have also changed the process of job hunting, finding friends, and even getting healthy and other types of services and information that improve the quality of life. The short message services have particularly helped people to get subscriptions to certain services for instance job alerts, healthy tips, instant news, and love messages among others. Every aspect of daily living has been changed by the mobile phone making it an important companion for everybody in meeting and performing most communication and entertainments needs. The device also serves as a time keeping tool changing the traditional wrist watches used for helping in knowing time of the day.
Additionally, changes in the cell phone features to include numerous applications, games, music, and chats have also directly changed the way people utilize their leisure time. People can choose from the wide range of applications and play games, chat with friends or listen to music. These are manifest changes observable today in the day to day lives of most pe...
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