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The Creation Of Regulations International Organizations

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International Organizations
Question A
The UN is considered to be the closest thing to global governance because it provides states with a platform whereby, they can come together to discuss matters that concern the whole world. The states use the platform to discuss mutual problems regarding their political systems and global governance. As well, different states are able to get solutions for their political issues by copying what other UN members have been doing to maintain a stable political situation in their states. As well, the UN deals with the socioeconomic challenge to ensure that the planet remains habitable regardless of the various demographic shifts. Conflicts based on territorial fights have largely reduced as a result of the UN's intervention. It is different from other IGOs because it focuses on global governance and creating peace among nations. It acts as an intervention organization. The realism theory can be best used to describe the issue of global governance and international organizations such as the UN. The theory makes assumptions that political constraints are caused by humankind nature (Karns, Mingst, and Kendall 55). Therefore, there will always be political conflicts that would require interventions for them to be solved. The UN is an example of an organization that was formed to provide a platform whereby nations can discuss such political constraints. The creation of peace in different nations across the world results in effective global governance. The theory points out that human nature would always create conflicts among territories, and therefore, it is the role of the state to find out ways of eliminating such conflicts. As well, the UN has become a platform whereby some of the states consider themselves superior to the others. This can be fixed through the creation of regulations that advocate for equality within the organization.
Question B
I agree with General Charles's statement regarding the UN being nicknamed as "the thing." This is because the world requires a universal body whereby the different states can present their challenges and receive help whenever necessary. Therefore, the UN and its systems of organizations can be viewed as a "vital necessity" in the creation of international order. Global governance advocates for peace across all nations. This can be best achieved through the creation of intervention bodies that would, in turn, intervene in territories that have been unable to create p...
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