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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Impermanence, Presence and Suffering

Essay Instructions:

Double spaced. DO NOT INCLUDE TITLE PAPER OR ANY TYPE OF "INSERT INFO" PARTS. Use "The Artist is present" film as a reference. Speak about being alive and the importance of living in the moment. Provide a strong thesis. and put "Works Cited" instead of Bibliography.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
What is the reason behind us here? Do we have an idea for enjoying our life? Can you find the answer to all these questions? What gives life a meaning? Are you glad to be alive? Do you have reasons to live? Some people have a different perspective on the importance of living. Have ever sat down and tried to think of all ideas that make glad and happy. Does one ever regret living life to the fullest? The film, “The Artist is Present” breaks down what it means to be alive and stresses the importance of living in the moment as discussed herein.
Answering the above-mentioned questions requires a proper understanding of the true meaning of life. There are several perspectives which make life sensible including, understanding ones purpose in life and understanding the values and actions that make life worth living in the moment among others. Life gives a sense of control over some activities in life as well as providing people with self-worth. The film, “The Artist is Present”, performed by Marina Abramovic and directed by Mather Akers, brings out the obnoxious side of human nature, traversing from the bond between men and women and most importantly why people thronged outside for days just to saunter in and stare at this woman’s blank face. The reason behind this as she admits in the film is because she wanted to feel loved after missing the same since childhood from her parents (The Artist is Present, Dir. Matthew Akers).
In the film, Marina spent three months in just sitted on a chair without food or water while waiting for viewers who came in to watch her blank stare in what is called performance art (The Artist is Present, Dir. Matthew Akers). The visitors would stare in her eyes until they were satisfied. She spe...
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