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Social Sciences
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Final Reflection Social Sciences Essay: Impact of Visual Representations on Society

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of the assignment is to acknowledge and assess the impact visual representation has on society at large; reflect on the role of the dominant culture in assigning meaning to visual representation, and to consider how visual culture and visual rhetoric have shaped your own views.

PROMPT: Reflect on how imagery has helped or hindered our coming together as a diverse nation. How has it contributed to the national identity of Americans? How do works of art and visual culture relate to your life, values, beliefs, and experiences? If you are an international experience, consider how works of art and visual culture shape your impression and experience in the U.S. Explore your own beliefs and biases in the context of multiple perspectives we've examined throughout this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Impact of Visual Representations on Society: A Reflection
The power of images is undisputed in shaping views and minds. In U.S. context, visual representations, particularly imagery mediated by media, are powerful and pervasive so much so imagery and reality are mixed up on and off screens. The control media – in all forms, including New Media – exercises over representations of people, concepts and objects is also a matter of dominance. Specifically, U.S. media – and, for that matter, different forms of visual representations, including arts – are informed by hegemonic practices projecting premeditated imageries as “normal,” “acceptable,” and, sometimes, “nonnegotiable.” Instead, a myriad of imageries and representations are suppressed in order to normalize a status quo of one mainstream norm. Consider, for example, visual representations of beauty. Through a white (dominant) lens, slimness and whiteness are givens in any (visual) representations of beauty. The race among young people to shed weight – and get sick – is, in fact, a race of image control. The “glossed” and “polished” images – on screens and magazines – are, put succinctly, are intentional and are meant to project – and sell – one, and always one, image of acceptable beauty in a U.S. context. In contrast, fringe images of beauty – Black, Latino or Overweight – are emerging to challenge current dominant image of and representations for physical, and perhaps inner, beauty. These parallel visual representations offer, moreover, alternative platforms of imagination, so to speak, in order to visualize different forms of beauty. Similarly, a good many
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