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Describe the Women's Idea of Beauty in Popular Culture

Essay Instructions:

Paper Requirements
This paper must be typed, double spaced, font= Times New Roman 12.
This paper will be at least 1000 words in length. This generally equals at least 4 complete pages. This page count does NOT include the title page or Works Cited page. Do not exceed 10 pages. If you do not meet the minimum length requirement, you will not earn a passing grade on the paper.
Any plagiarism on this paper or any of the steps in the writing process will lead to immediate failure of this course, so please do not make that mistake.
You must utilize proper MLA Format, including MLA Format in-text citations AND a proper Works Cited Page.
Write a paper in which you analyze how the popular culture influences ideas about beauty among either women, men, or both. Discuss the effects of these messages on the social behavior and psychological well-being of those addressed.
You are required to utilize at least 3 quality research sources, cited properly via MLA Format. You are highly encouraged to avoid partisan or clearly biased sources. Instead, seek sources that provide thorough, probing, and intellectually honest analysis.
You are highly encouraged to seek out high-quality books or articles from the Academic Databases, as these will provide the best level of information. Make sure that all of your online sources (from the general internet via Google searches, etc) meet the requirements as indicated in the lesson on "Determining the Legitimacy of Online Sources."
If you do not engage in a sufficient amount of quality research, your paper will lack the intellectual depth to achieve the level of composition and critical thinking necessary for this assignment. Thus it is important to not only seek out excellent sources, but also to give yourself the time necessary to find them, read them, and decide on how to respond to these source
You are required to utilize at least 3 quality research sources, cited properly via MLA Format. You are highly encouraged to avoid partisan or clearly biased sources. Instead, seek sources that provide thorough, probing, and intellectually honest analysis.
If you do not engage in a sufficient amount of quality research, your paper will lack the intellectual depth to achieve the level of composition and critical thinking necessary for this assignment.
You must include proper MLA in-text citations and a Works Cited Page
You must utilize proper MLA Format, including MLA Format in-text citations AND a proper Works Cited Page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institution of Affiliation
Women's idea of Beauty in Popular Culture
Popular culture or pop culture is defined by entirely all the ideas and perspectives, attitudes and phenomena encased in the mainstream of an individual culture. It traces its roots to the emergence of the global mainstream of the late 20th century heavily influenced by mass media. This phenomenon has infiltrated the daily under goings of the society. Day in day out we have been deluged by the amount of information that has had influence over our opinions, facts and ideas on the aspect of beauty among women in the society. The biggest player in this role has turned out to be the media; which has shaped the whole course of popular culture. We have been affected by the improvement of technology which has made the world smaller and made it easier for everyone to access all kinds of information within a short period. So the number of ideas I am going to scrutinize is; what is the role of the media in women's kenning of beauty? How do the advertisement of cosmetic products and the cosmetic industry at large affect their rationale over beauty? How do the media in general, and the ideas it poses to women affect their social behavior and their psychological well-being?
Foremost, the aspect of beauty among women has been nurtured and cultivated through the plethora of media technology offers television channels, radio, movies, music videos, music lyrics, cartoons and animations, sports media, video/computer games advertising and the internet. Television channels have inspired the perception of beauty among women through the shows portrayed and mostly viewed by the young people in the society. Many women hosting these shows or news broadcasts dress in the sense that their target impresses the male. Therefore, according to this notion, the women who watch these shows get inclined to follow trends since their mentality has been deceived over the aspect of beauty. They will be found shopping for the attires they see adorned by the other women hosting these shows and follow suit in their pursuit of beauty. This also applies to radio channels, cartoon animations and computer games (American Psychology Association, 4).
Most music videos and lyrics have portrayed women as sexual objects whereby they have to be dressed in a way that could provoke attraction from men who watch them. Certain genres of music for example Pop music, Reggae, Dancehall, and Hip-Hop; have completely made the contemporary woman a sexual object. These music videos portray 'beautiful' women who are stuck naked, with emphasis on facial features, specific body parts, and sexual readiness and donned as sexually attractive to viewing. They are also dressed in explicit clothing and attire that rarely covers nudity, intentioned with devious innuendo about beauty and money. Movies also have emphasized the wardrobe as a scale for beauty. If we consider the portraiture of women during movie and music related events such as the 'red carpets' in Hollywood galas like Grammy awards, MTV awards and academy awards, the scrutiny of dresses and apparel donned, how they tend to add to the ordinary woman is intense. Women should not take the blame since the actresses and stars on these events have been described as radiant, dazzling, and all glamorous adjectives. Others on the 'fashion watch' shows have also been criticized for dressing in a specific way, no matter how modest they may look to the eye (American Psychology Association, 6).
D. Roberts et al. (47) says that girls use the internet frequently as boys. The popularity of sites such as Facebook Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, Flickr, Whatsapp as well as blogs has encouraged the young generation, including girls to sexualize themselves on the internet. They also have gained unmonitored access to the rated content primarily pornographic material. Lately, public attention has been focused on self-presentations by many girls on these social media sites. Here, girls...
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