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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Outlaw - New York Times and American Limbo - A Reporter at Large

Essay Instructions:

Compare and contrast the two essays assigned for today. What similarities and differences do you find? Consider each writer's purpose, point of view, persona, and argument. And also consider the two writer's stylistic choices. How does each writer “dramatize” his ideas (in Trimble's terms)? Conclude by writing down your favorite sentence from each of the essays and explaining why you like it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reading Response
Immigration policy has been an emotive issue in the American Public sphere. Discourse on the issue has resulted in huge rifts in political circles. Politicians across the party divide are unwilling to enact immigration policy noting that the electorate has significant input in their legislative positions. The result has been a decades' long standstill on comprehensive immigration reform. The paper therefore looks at two articles on the subject of immigration policy. The paper will contrast and compare the two articles by examining the style each writer chooses, their persona and point of view.
Outlaw - New York Times
The writer of the Outlaw is himself an illegal immigrant. As such, the writer has a deep rooted understanding of the impact immigration policy on immigrants. The writer's purpose in writing the article is simply to communicate to the American public how it feels to be an immigrant. The writer thus adopts a personal point of view. The article is written in the writer's own voice. The public is thus able to connect with the writer. The writer is in a sense able to communicate more succinctly his pain at having to break the law and his frustration at the lack of consensus for comprehensive immigration reform. The writer argues that by refusing to institute immigration reforms, the US writerities consign him to a life outside the confines of the law. The writer also, through the article destroys previously held notions of the American Public concerning illegal immigrants. The article proves that illegal immigrants can be more than casual labourers contributing to the nation and their states in a positive manner. The writer dramatizes his work through the construction ...
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