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Should Everyone go to College

Essay Instructions:

As I mentioned in class on Friday, October 5th, you will have a choice of two essay possibilities for this next week. Please choose one of the following two essay options:


In class this week, Professor Avery mentioned that the heart and soul of thinking sociologically is to "make the familiar strange" and "question what seems obvious." What do you think he meant by that? What does it mean to make the familiar strange? What does it mean to question what seems obvious? Why is that important to do?

In writing up your response, please reference at least one of the course readings that was assigned this week (“Degree by Default” and “Anti Social Debts”) as well as material presented during lecture. Don't forget to do that! Points will be taken off for failing to reference reading/lecture material.

You can write the essay in the first person, and feel free to use either APA or MLA style for referencing materials.

On the document header, please clearly indicate that you are responding to "Essay 1A" and make sure the file you submit is .doc, .docx, or .pdf.

Your response must be between 500-700 words. Submit your finished responses to our Canvas assignments dropbox, “Essay 1” before 9am, Friday, October 12th.


Nowadays, more people than ever before are attending institutions of higher learning (i.e. college). Today, many high school students think that attending college is mandatory; there is no other option but to attend college after graduating high school. This sentiment was strongly expressed in one of this week’s course readings. “I think you need to go to college. It’s just like high school and elementary school and middle school. I don’t know why, but I have that idea in my head.”

Should everyone go to college? Yes or no? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support whatever position you take on this matter.

In writing up your response, please reference at least one of the course readings that was assigned this week (“Degree by Default” and “Anti Social Debts”) as well as material presented during lecture. Don't forget to do that! Points will be taken off for failing to reference reading/lecture material.

You can write the essay in the first person, and feel free to use either APA or MLA style for referencing materials.

On the document header, please clearly indicate that you are responding to "Essay 1B" and make sure the file you submit is .doc, .docx, or .pdf.

Your response must be between 500-700 words. Submit your finished responses to our Canvas assignments dropbox, “Essay 1” before 9am, Friday, October 12th.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Should Everyone go to College
The notion that people need a college degree to get a decent job has become rampant in the last three decades. Initially, students would finish high school and be comfortable not to seek or to further their education. These students would start depending on their skills and talents immediately after college. The decision not to go to college was theirs and the same could be said about those who decided to go to college. However, today, society has changed to the point where going to college is considered mandatory. Going to college is considered the only way one can attain or lead a successful life. But I beg to differ with anyone who harbors or holds this perspective. I believe that going to college should be a personal choice and that college education should not be considered as the only ticket to a good life. Students should be confident enough to say that they are okay even without a college education.
In his article titled Anti-Social Debts, Andrew Ross writes about student loans which have been soaring because of the propagation of the notion that every student needs to go to college. Student debt has continued to grow to incomprehensible levels. Ross says that “today, in the face of chronic underemployment, we can safely conclude that a large portion of the 1 trillion dollars currently owed by debtors is unpayable in their lifetimes” (29). Apparently, “two-thirds of U.S. students graduate with loan debt, averaging $27,000, and then rapidly fall behind in their payments.” Well, with such a loan debt and the absence of jobs, falling behind in one’s payment should be expected. The danger here is that this debt creates subsequent problems for these students because many will be denied the beautiful life they envisioned. What is more, Ross notes that “unlike almost every other debt, student loans are...
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