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Bureaucracy in Modern America Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Select a modern bureaucracy with which you have, or have had in the past, significant direct experience, either as a member or as a subject of its authority. This could be an employer, a civic, cultural, or school group, or any other "formal organization" you are familiar with. To what degree does/did this organization rely upon the characteristics that Mac Weber identified in bureaucracy? What seem to be the advantages and disadvantages of these characteristics?

ps: I want the experience is more related to my identity as a international student or at least a student.

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Bureaucracy in Modern America
Public and private institutions alike have a systematic way of carrying out their diverse range of functions in their day to day activities. The procedures and processes involved ensuring that the institutions function most effectively to deliver their mandates to both the public and the target group affected, involved, or working under the administration of the said organizations. Ensuring the compliance or adherence to the set rules, policies, and procedures or rather maintaining the chronological order of carrying out the different functions of an organization is usually the prerogative of the hierarchical system of administration embraced by an institution. Such a system of maintaining the set order of doing things within government and private entities is referred to as bureaucracy, a concept that forms the backbone of different organizations in the United States and around the world. Modern bureaucracy in the United States is evident in various organizations as they seek to maintain order in the delivery of their unique functions to those seeking their services. One of the modern systems of organization witnessed in the United States stems from the nation’s institutions of higher learning. University or college bureaucracy is a common feature in all the higher learning institutions through which students attain their education at the tertiary levels of study. In the effort to deliver quality education to students amidst the financial constraints facing the institutions, universities rely upon their systems or organizations to effectively deliver on their key objective. University bureaucracy exhibits common features whose analysis create an understanding of the existing forms of modern bureaucracy in America.
University bureaucracy takes various forms including the placement of students to their preferred course. It is a mandatory requirement that the students sit for an assessment test on the basic skills to assess their qualification for the courses applied or the majors the students want to pursue. The university administration enforces the requirement for the enrolment of all students to the specific majors, and the set standards have to be met for the students to continue withier studies in subsequent units for other courses. The international students, for instance, have to go through the Integrated English Programs (IEPs) before enrolling for their preferred courses. Other pre-requisite requirements for international students include sitting for a standard test to gauge their eligibility for studying in the United States. The IEPs and standard tests for the international students coupled with the assessment of basic skills form a significant part of university bureaucracy involved in the selection process for both the local and international students. Another form of university bureaucracy takes place in the delivery of student services in the institutions of higher learning. Most of the universities offer student services from a centralized position harboring different departments each dealing with or providing specific services to the students.
Consequently, students have to go through long queues before acquiring or accessing the desired services from the institutions and thus negatively affecting their educational experience. Students who wish to transfer from one cour...
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