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Helping Others: The Braxton Project for Autism Awareness

Essay Instructions:

For essay #3, we are going to watch one video -- Elizabeth Dunn – “Helping Others Makes Us Happier – But it Matters How We Do It” (2019 Ted Talks):


As Dunn makes note of in her Ted Talks, we can find happiness by helping others. So …. I would like you to go to the Gofundme website: https://www(dot)gofundme(dot)com/

Once you are on this web site, you will see lots of folks asking for money for a variety of different reasons. Imagine that you have $1000 to donate to a case of your choice. Which case would you choose? Why? Make sure that you establish an argument and that you support your thesis with specific development.

Note: You could also use kickstarter.com and choose a project you would support!

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Helping Others
Conventionally, people desire to be happy and to make others happy. To achieve this, they improvise different mechanisms and approaches; many succeed while others flounder. However, research has positively identified one mechanism that affords people of all age groups indescribable happiness. That mechanism is the art of giving to others. Since time immemorial, all races have emphasized the culture of doing good to others. The late South African clergyman Desmond Tutu could not have captured it better when he said, "Do your little bit of good wherever and whenever you can, for it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world" (Bregman 86). Indeed, the joy of doing good becomes complete by envisioning the difference our help will make to the beneficiaries (Dunn). I fully espouse helping others, and if I needed to donate $1000, it would go to The Braxton Project for Autism Awareness for several reasons.
Brittany is the organizer of the fundraiser, The Braxton Project for Autism Awareness. The project is in memory of their 28-year-old autistic son, who succumbed to a silent heart condition not long ago (Rose par. 1). Upon his demise, Brittany’s family discovered a few medical conditions that are prevalent in children with autism. They also realized that many parents of such children lacked sufficient know-how and skills to sufficiently offer their children the care they deserve. By reminiscing how Braxton’s love and happiness impacted other people, the family resolved to honor him by helping families having children with autism. In this regard, they decided to initiate a fundraiser and use the proceeds to create more awareness about the disorder and help affected families.
I would readily donate my money to this project because I duly understand the difference my donation would make to an autistic child. Braxton's story resonates profoundly with me because I have an autistic son whom I love boundlessly. As such, I have firsthand experience regarding the challenges parents with autistic children encounter in the course of bringing them up. I know, for instance, the shock and disbelief that comes with the realization that one’s child has the disorder. In my case, my first reaction was denial; I could seldom accept my fate, and I resolved to hide my son from the outside world. My knee-jerk reaction was informed by the connotation of stigma attached to the condition. However, through the help of professional caregivers, support groups, and friends, I manage...
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