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Have You Ever Thought About Your Death?

Essay Instructions:

write a the diagloue paper about a philosophy topic. You can look at the format that I upload. I must be a member in the discussion diagloue paper (use the name Johnson), discussing with the author of the two papers that I send you. Other detailed requirements are in the screenshot. The discussion must entail but not limit to the content of the two paper that I send you

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Have You Ever Thought About Your Death?
Johnson: Helga? Have you ever thought about your death? Are you ready to die? Are you prepared to face the creator? Would you instead be killed, or would you rather die slowly?
Helga: I am not yet prepared to die. I think that I have not yet accomplished my mission here on Earth. I also feel like I still need to complete and achieve many things. However, I want to be killed. It is sometimes preferable to kill someone rather than let them die. There are times when people would instead be killed than die slowly. This option is especially true for people nearing the end of their lives (Kuhse 371-374). They would instead be killed than die slowly and be pitied by others. And if I were to be in that position too, I wanted to be killed immediately. How about you, Johnson?
Johnson: That is a very courageous response, Helga. I am already prepared for my death at this point in my life. I have prepared for my death. I have already invested in my casket and on my grave so my family will no longer worry about me. However, regardless of how prepared I am, I do not want to be killed; I want to die slowly. The thought of being killed horrifies me. I do not want my death to be placed in others’ hands; I believe that only God can take away my life. Thus, killing is not His way of taking my life. Killing is intentional, and I feel as if someone is robbing me of the opportunity to live.
Helga: How come you have prepared for your death but are not prepared to be killed?
Johnson: They are different, Helga.
Helga: They are, indeed. Let me explain why I believe killing is preferable. In the medical field, several instances will prove that killing is better. There was once a man who suffered from a brain aneurysm. He has been hospitalized for three weeks. Those were terrifying and heartbreaking weeks for his family. They thought he might still live, so they spent a lot of money to ensure he got the right treatments and medications, but he did not. He had a seizure, and his family’s world stopped when the doctor declared him brain dead. He is still alive, according to the doctor, but he has no chance of survival. It was ironic, and they decided to kill him at that moment. Therefore, killing him was the best option. If his family let him live, their efforts would be futile, and their money would be squandered, considering that the machines are the only ones keeping him alive. He is dead without the devices, so what is the point of letting him die when it is better to kill him?
Johnson: That is an excellent point, Helga. However, have you ever thought of the outcome if his family did not kill him? What if his family waited a little while until he finally woke up? What if a miracle happened to him? What if he still has a chance to live, but they placed his death in their hands? Is it not more terrifying and heartbreaking?
Helga: No, Johnson. They know for sure that killing him was the best option at that time. Miracles do happen, but it was not for us.
Johnson: Alright. However, have you heard of the story of “the nasty cousins”? It is about two situations that lead to death. The first case is about Smith. He wants his nephew’s inheritance; thus, he will do anything to kill his nephew. He plans to drown his nephew, and he succeeds. Meanwhile, the second case is about Jones. He also wants his nephew’s inheritance and is willing to do anything to kill him and get his inheritance. He plans on drowning his nephew; however, his nephew gets into an accident. Jones allows him to die (Nesbitt 103).
Helga: Oh, how poor the kid was!
Johnson: Based on the stories told, we can conclude that death is assumed to be a bad thing. So, Helga, did your view change? Which is worse now? Killing? Or letting someone die?
Helga: It has not changed, Johnson. I still believe that killing is better.
Johnson: I am not surprised by your answer. I also remain firm with what I have said; it is better to let someone die slowly. Smith and Jones may have intended to kill their nephews, but Smith’s act was more disturbing and worse. Jones may have the intention to kill, but he did not kill his nephew.
Helga: Do not they both benefit f...
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