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Manifesto: Sustaining the Positive Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Essay Instructions:

Please follow the directions given and come up with a manifesto toward a current social problem, the manifesto should be 5-8 pages, i figured 6 should do just fine, in addition please submit a separate document with a 2-3 sentences outlining the basic of the manifesto, and an annotated bibliography listing 5-8 sources describing and evaluating them in relation to the manifesto you are composing(150-200words).

Final Manifestos:

The 1960s was more than hippies and rock n roll, it was an amalgam of anger, hostility

and ideology drawing from the vestiges of colonialism and the Cold War. Many groups issued

manifestos outlining their grievances with the world, and what they intended to do about it.

History was often an integral aspect of their manifesto. As you saw, the difference between good, effective manifestos, and those that were not, was based largely on the clearly laid-out justifications for their respective positions. In other words, those justifications were often rooted in fact (or at least in our case they NEED to be).

For your manifesto, pick a prominent issue that you care about and write a 5-8 page manifesto/ or @10-15 minute presentation. In other words, try to convince me to join your movement or your group. (you can of course use other mediums to express your thoughts, and they are in fact, strongly encouraged).

You must draw from real events, as well as events of the past, to delineate a clear argument for or against a group or issue, and offer solutions to those problems. You will be graded on the proper historical context (laying out the grievances or contextualizing the issue), style-creativity, clarity/defense of your argument, and thoughtful solutions.

You must use good sources to make an effective, well-educated argument; rants, simplistic arguments, and half-baked opinion pieces will be excoriated. I expect a minimum of 6 sources from you which to draw your reasoning as to why you want to create a revolution, a movement. You can only use academic sources (peer-reviewed scholarly sources), newspapers, or government docs. (I really don’t want you to Google stuff, or use Wikipedia. That is not acceptable) If you have questions about sources (given your topics, just reach out to me)

***The key here is I want you to take a stance. I want you to have an opinion, and defend

this opinion. So I suggest picking a topic that you actually care about, and desire to know more.

***Don’t rant. This is not a “drunk-uncle at Thanksgiving argument” assignment. Convince me with evidence, persuasive writing, and creative structure.

***Also, be sure to cite properly. And cite everything.

******Final Due Last week of class, submit it on OL***

****It will be posted for the rest of class to see, so plan accordingly***

You will be graded on:

Clarity of your argument

Defense of your argument

Style/Creativity in presentation

Sources used


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Manifesto: Sustaining the Positive Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic 
Education is an integral aspect of personal, communal, and national developmental processes that are also subject to an array of factors in the social, economic, technological, and political influences. Since 2019, education across the globe has been gravely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Commentators and researchers on the impact of COVID-19 on the education sector highlight that the pandemic has aggravated the challenges that existed in the sector but, at the same time, presented opportunities for change. Access to quality education remains one of the most important factors in the empowerment of people across the globe (Mijs and Roe 2). There is no doubt that education inequality that is influenced by historic social-economic factors such as systemic racism is yet to be addressed to a large extent. The COVID-19 pandemic brought to the spotlight such persistent issues that have thwarted the achievement of academic objectives in the community. As the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an opportunity that the strategic measures being adopted can be a solution to the historic challenges in the education sector (Ahmed et al. 81). In this light, measures taken to foster the recovery of the education system from the COVID-19 pandemic should be geared towards ensuring equality and quality education for all learners.
The COVID-19 pandemic led to the closure of educational institutions and limited contact between educators and learners. Different partners have had increased engagement in education matters to ensure that students continue learning and that the resources available are appropriately utilized. Addressing COVID-19 in the education system has increased the role of learning institutions in the community. Efforts to ensure the sustainability of education led to increased adoption of e-learning, which alludes to the sharing of instructional material and communication between stakeholders involved in using electronic technologies. Although online learning has long existed across all levels of education, the COVID-19 pandemic presented a context where it became the primary means of teaching and learning. The paradigm shift to online learning led to the racialization that the education system serves different people and is substantially structured in favor of some groups. The differences among groups were more vivid in the public education sector, where racial and social-economic boundaries have for long been a factor in the educational achievements made by some students. Despite efforts that have been put in place since the late 1900s, inequality still flourishes in the education system. This can be attributed to underfunding in the education system and the perception that public schools are institutions that serve the local communities (Mijs and Roe 2). Consequently, schools in communities that face economic challenges are less likely to gain the desired support to improve the quality of education or foster equality in education across society. Public schools remain important in facilitating access to education and developing a national identity. With the adequate knowledge that exists about the limitation in achieving equality in education, the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic sets a starting point that can influence constructive change.
While there have been many opportunities to transform the education sector, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic is the recent most significant experience that has influenced change in the mindset, curriculum, pedagogy approaches, technology, management approaches, and policies, among other impacts (Sofianidis et al. 268) Suggestively, the experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic have had an overall impact on the education sector that has led to changes that are irrevocable and irreversible in how education is delivered to the society. It is in these changes where an opportunity to improve the education system lie if the stakeholders, including the government, educators, parents/guardians, and learners, among others, attempt to address education inequality.
The first consideration highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic is the need for reliable and credible partnerships in the education system. Funding of education has often been presented as the key limitation in achieving equality and delivering quality education for all students. The lack of adequate funding can be attributed to the lack of cooperation between different levels of government and the lack of synchronization in the roles played by different government agencies in support of education. Additionally, the lack of effective engagement of the community and private players in the public education system has been an impediment to efforts made by volunteers to fund education and in decision-making concerning issues that can improve the quality of education (Ortagus et al. 521). COVID-19 presented an opportunity for different stakeholders to engage in facilitating education to learners. This led to increased cooperation between governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector in partnerships that strengthened access to education and support for underprivileged students. This is exemplified by coordination among departments of education and health in ensuring the sustainability of education while guaranteeing health and safety for learners and educators. Such achievements were made through the commitment of resources as well as policy changes, including social distancing and provision of health and safety materials in schools. This shows that partnerships between different players can be instrumental in improving the quality...
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