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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Research Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Write an Op/Ed piece based on one of the topics discussed in class. In order to get an understanding for this assignment, I recommend that you look at some Op/eEd pieces in various newspapers. For this segment you need to present a compelling topic in the form of an Op/Ed piece. You should choose a topic discussed in class or presented in the readings and take a stance on the issue. Be certain to clearly identify your argument and explain why you think this issue needs more attention. Remember that this is NOT an academic paper; this is an opinion piece.
In addition to turning in the Op-Ed piece, I need a half a page single‑spaced with bullet points explaining how the readings attached would explain the topic for the Op-Ed piece.Provide a brief description of the reading (not word for word from the article, but your own words), and how the reading relates to your Op-Ed topic.
You may reference outside sources. However, these sources should be trustworthy to the reader, e.g., academic or from well-known newspapers. Information taken from websites is not acceptable (unless taken from a newspaper online, e.g. The New York Times). The Op/Ed piece will be graded according to writing style, persuasiveness, relation to the course, examples given, and explanation of the theory

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Explanation to the OP-ED
* Fetal alcohol syndrome is increasingly becoming a common condition for many children.
* Expectant women must take care not to indulge in alcohol during pregnancy
* Every intake of a pregnant mother is consumed by the unborn baby
* Taking alcohol when pregnant may lead to deformities in the unborn child
* The alcohol from mother to child could also lead to Fetal alcohol syndrome
* The condition is not curable but can be managed
* It is a preventable condition that can be avoided.
* Prenatal care plays c...
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