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Goode And Regnerus: Way In Which Goode Justified Methods

Essay Instructions:

I have attached the reading material Goode and Regnerus which is needed to answer the following question. The Goode reading, only read from page 311-321.

Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-4 complete sentences.

1. Explain at least one way in which Goode justified his methods, and at least one way in which Goode justified the ethics of his methods.

2. Identify the ways in which Erich Goode violated all four principles for protecting research subjects.

3. Should Goode's research have been published? Why or why not? [Note: It was published 20 years after the fact. In your answer, consider the ethics of the journal editor publishing an article that seemed to take inappropriate advantage of an unusual subject matter. Consider also whether Goode's research contributes something useful to sociology.]

4. Drawing from the Regnerus article, what does previous research conclude about gay parenting and child wellbeing?

5. What are the main claims of the Regnerus article?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
SOC201 Fall 2017
Assignment 1
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-4 complete sentences.
1 Explain at least one way in which Goode justified his methods, and at least one way in which Goode justified the ethics of his methods.
In his article, Goode discussed about the “Marijuana Interviews” that he did back in 1967, and the unexpected events which happened during its course. More particularly, he stated that in trying to interview the informants he both tried smoking Marijuana as well as sleeping with three of the women that served as his informants. However, he did not think that there was an ethics that is tied to his actions as well as a “Human Subjects Comittee” where he justified his methods (the failure to uphold these ethical considerations) as a failure by others in warning him about the “specified ways” that the subject must be treated. In the end, he justified the ethics of his method also as a failure of the institution to properly inform researchers about any guidelines that they must follow CITATION Goo99 \l 1033 (Goode, 1999).
2 Identify the ways in which Erich Goode violated all four principles for protecting research subjects.
The four main principles of protecting research subjects are; (1) minimizing the risk of harm, (2) obtaining informed consent, (3) protecting anonymity and confidentiality, and (4) avoiding deceptive practices. In retrospect of this work, these four could be argued as present from the statements that he made. With regards to the first and the fourth principle, I could argue that in having sex with his interviewees, Goode increased the risks of harming the participants, both emotionally and psychologically, as well as using sex (perhaps subconsciously) in extracting information which could be treated as an act of deception. As for the second and the third principles, I believe that by publishing what he did “removed the veil of secrecy” (based on his own words) which violated the privacy of his subjects and denied them of their right to a Free Prior and Informed Consent, as he conducts interviews diminished of the objectivity and the process of asking the interviewee first CITATION Goo99 \l 1033 (Goode, 1999).
3 Should Goode&...
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