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Role Of Empathy On Our Modern Culture Dominated By Technology

Essay Instructions:

The essay should based on the questions the professor gave us. Three body paragraphs. Each body paragraphs should contain two quotes from each article. The structure of the paragraph should be thesis sentences-quotes-analysis-transition sentences-quotes-analysis-summary of the paragraph. Thank you! ^_^

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Role of empathy on our modern culture dominated by technology
Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings of other people. Ma Yoyoma talks about the various ways through which technology has changed people in regard to social interactions. Also, Restak Richard talks about the manner in which technology has been able to change the human brain in regard to the ability of paying attention. Both authors argue on the basis of empathy. Therefore, empathy play the role of enabling people to manage their activities, appreciate one another’s culture as well as understanding and coping with the cultural differences.
Empathy plays an important role in our technology-dominated culture by enabling us to manage our activities and ensure that we remain productive in the environment around us. "We have less time to ourselves, and we are expected to improve our performance and output year after year" (restack 378. Empathy deals with the issue of putting oneself in another person's shoes in order to understand their feelings. As a result, this makes it easy to cooperate with the people around us in order to be productive. According to restack, we barely have enough time to carry out our activities. Therefore, it would be difficult to relate to the outside world and still be productive. However, empathy has this covered because, when we understand the feelings of other people, then we will be able to accord them the necessary help. For instance, the workplace environment requires people to cooperate with one another for them to be able to achieve the organization's goals. Hence, empathy makes it easy for people to forget about their personal life for a moment and focus on working with one another to be able to bear fruits. "In our highly interdependent global civilization, a lot of things are not working" (Ma 258). A lot of things are not working in our civilized world because people are too busy focusing on themselves instead on working together with the rest of the society to bear fruits. However, I believe that with the incorporation of empathy, such things would work out because every person would be willing to do good to others. Therefore, empathy has helped people to manage their activities in the new culture characterized by numerous technological changes.
As well, in our technology-dominated culture, empathy has made it possible for people to appreciate other people's beliefs, especially in the social media platforms. "Empathy is the ultimate quality that acknowledges our identity as members of one human family" (Ma 258). The manner in which people associated with one another has changed a lot because people used to worry about their real-life friends but technology has created virtual friends who seem more important than real-world friends. On...
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