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International Students and the Economy

Essay Instructions:

Before you can take a position, you will need to determine an issue question related to the topic that you want to focus on. You may wish to do some exploratory research to help you with this.

You must use (reference in the essay) at least three sources, including at least one public affairs source and at least one scholarly source. In addition, all of your sources must be accessed via the OSU-OKC library (in print, through the databases, or through interlibrary loan).

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International Students and the Economy
For nearly ten years, the United States of America has been experiencing a steadily growing influx of graduate and postgraduate students and researchers from across the globe. According to Joan Hope, international students constitute up to 60 percent of engineering, science, and technology graduate-school enrollments. Most of the international students educated in the United States choose to work here after obtaining their degrees. Thus, they contribute to the economy of the country to an extent (Hope 2).
First of all, the schools, colleges, and universities where international students seek admission gain much profit. Their degrees are recognized and accepted by all companies and organizations within and outside the country. For example, Stanford University, Harvard University, Columbia University, Princeton University, Cornell University, and Yale University are always the prior choice of international students for higher studies. They do not miss the chance of securing their admissions here, and for this, they are ready to pay hefty tuition and fees. This way the universities can generate many revenues, but they must ensure the provision of quality education for all students, without any discrimination.
Another important aspect is that after completing their studies, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, European, Canadian and Japanese students prefer to look for jobs inside the United States. A report presented by Marina Murat reveals that local graduates are provided with a lot more opportunities for career grooming than international graduates. Across the United States, they may find a job of desire, but for months and even years, they are not offered excellent salary packages, and thus, they lose their interest and begin looking for alternatives (Murat 14). The state and federal governments should pay attention to this thing as soon as possible as more than 60 percent of the youth consists of Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, Japanese and Africans, and if they are pushed behind the competition, the economy of the country will be weakened gradually.
The terrorist attacks of 9/11 caused a drop in the numbers of international students applying to or enrolling in the United States graduate and postgraduate programs, and it impacted the country’s economy to an extent (Gareis & Jalayer 92). Later on, they were attracted toward affordable study programs and were provided with a lot more facilities. The purpose was to keep their number to a maximum so that a competitive environment could be created. Not only they were provided with plenty of education opportunities, but they were also given a chan...
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