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Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Lives

Essay Instructions:

"Why Spam Guisada Is the Perfect Dish to Make Right Now" by Illyanna Maisonet (379-381):

Write an essay in which you explore the effects that the coronavirus pandemic had on you and your family. You may find it helpful to list the many changes — health, education, work, social, spiritual, medical — that occurred in your lives from early 2020 through 2021 before you begin to write. How is life different for you and your family than it might be had not the pandemic occurred? What life lessons did you and your family learn having lived through this dangerous and stressful period?"

Essay 4 includes a minimum of 1200 words and five (5) sources, with a minimum of three (3) direct quotations and six (6) paraphrases. These quotations and paraphrases may be from one assigned reading and four LCCC database sources or five LCCC database sources.

Essay 4 uses MLA format, including a header, heading, title, in-text citations, and a Works Cited page.

Essay 4 contains the standard parts of an essay: an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement at the end, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.

I picked you again to write my essay because you got me a 90 percent on my other essay! So, thank you!

This is a cause-and-effect essay that's what she said. Professor makes me use the outlines that I've attached so please try to follow them the best you can. She looks to make sure I've listed what she wants. The introduction has to have the author introduced and a brief description of the story. Thesis has to be the last sentence of introduction. Last time you found the sources from a database that I was able to find in my as well for my school. Please try to use a reputable database for the sources again. You did my essay, neat people vs sloppy people for a reminder :) The conclusion should end with such a bold, declarative statement for the reader. Professor always says that.

let me know if you have any questions please!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Coronavirus Pandemic
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The Coronavirus Pandemic
Pandemics play a major role in disrupting people’s lives. They result in the closure of businesses and the loss of jobs. The coronavirus infection is a recent pandemic that had a major impact on people's lives. It pushed them into discovering sustainable ways of living. According to Illyanna Maisonet’s (2020) Why Spam Guisada Is the Perfect Dish to Make Right Now, curfews made it challenging for people to accomplish their activities. For instance, people stocked Spam because they did not have much time to shop. The story focuses on a famous Puerto Rican dish known as Spam Guisada and relates to the pandemic where it talks about curfews. It also focuses on the need to make comfort food during a time of uncertainty and high death levels. The virus caused a global panic due to the high number of deaths. It created a lot of fear that people would no longer go outside. The pandemic changed a lot because people their lost jobs and loved ones. The pandemic affected the educational, health, work, and spiritual aspects of life.
Another major impact that the pandemic caused was education. It required people to keep social distancing, making it possible to attend physical classes. “In light of risingconcern about the current COVID-19 pandemic, a growing number of universities across theworld have either postponed or cancelled all campus events such as workshops,conferences, sports, and other activities” (Sahu, 2020). In turn, this led to a massive introduction of online studies. Online studying offers people a more reliable means of schooling due to its flexibility It also makes it easy to access education from anywhere in the world. This has given rise to many online schools, which are now considered legitimate educational institutions by most governments across the globe. It allowed people to study on their own time in a more relaxed environment. Hence, it allowed people to continue with their education in the comfort of their homes.
The major pandemic impact was in terms of work because it led to many people losing their jobs. Regarding my family, the pandemic made my parents lose their job, thus affecting the family's economic status. A family's financial position highly depends on the total source of income. Therefore, an income reduction requires the family members to cut their spending to manage the available funds (Ahmad et al., 2020). If the family doesn't reduce its expenditure, it becomes challenging to offset all the necessary bills with the current income. Given that the pandemic led to job loss, the family had a huge responsibility of determining what expenses to cut and what to keep. This was a huge responsibility that required careful consideration. The family had to do some serious budgeting and plan how to handle the situation. This affected my parents greatly because they had to pay all their bills using the available income. An example of a major impact is the foods to cook. “In Puerto Rico, where the shelter-in-place order has been extended to May 25, with strict curfews and staggered essential visits, home cooks are among the many who are stocking up on Spam” (Maisonet, 2020). The curfews no longer allowed people enough time to shop for their preferred foods. As a result, many people would stock Spam and other non-perishable foods that would last them for days.
The corona pandemic also affected people's health, especially those that got sick. When a person gets the virus, they must stay isolated to avoid infecting their family members or those close to them. The isolation played a major role in causing mental trauma in sick people (Muller et al., 2020). Being isolated from their families and friends was a heartbreaking experience for many, especially because they did not know when it would end. When people become sick, they expect much support from family and friends. Such support plays an important role in recovery because it motivates them to get well soon. It also keeps them happy, a factor ...
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