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Placements of Pillar in the Middle of Generations in Take My Eyes

Essay Instructions:

This is an essay for Contemporary Spanish Culture and Society through Film class

In her article about the film Take my Eyes, Monica Cantero writes that “Pilar […] finds herself at the crossroads of two very distinct generations. Her mother represents the women who grew up during Franco’s dictatorship (1939-1975) and were subject to the patriarchal structures of State and Church. Her sister, Ana, an independent working woman exposed to other cultures, embodies the new and pluralistic Spain within the ideological parameters of the contemporary European Union. Placed at the intersection between the past and the present, Pilar represents a defining moment for Spanish women to reconceptualize the power structure within heterosexual relationships, and by extension within society at large” (p. 54). Analyze the relationship between Pilar and her mother and sister in Take my Eyes. How do they interact with each other? Does Pilar fully agree with either one of them regarding her relationship with her husband Antonio? Do you agree with Cantero’s idea about Pilar’s placement at the intersection of the two generations her mother and her sister represent? Include specific references to the films to support and/or illustrate your arguments.

Read the following:

Cantero, Mónica. “ Visions and Voices of the Self in Take my Eyes. Visions and Voices of the Self in Take my Eyes. - Alternative Formats ” Visions of Struggle in Women’s Filmmaking in the Mediterranean. Ed. Flavia Laviosa. New York: PalgraveMacmillan, 2010. 45-60.


Take My Eyes by Iciar Bollain.

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Take my Eyes
Cantero's article on the film Take my Eyes, and the film presents Pillar as a woman who is torn between two worlds. She feels the pressure from her mother's generation to be a traditional housewife, but she also feels the need to break free from that role and pursue her happiness (Cantero). The essay will focus on the relations between Pillar and her mother and sister. It will also show whether the author’s placements of Pillar in the middle of generations is ideal.
Pillar's relationship with the mother and sister shows the different sides of a woman's life in Spain. She has to choose between two very different opinions on how she should live and make decisions based on that. Pillar is torn between two very different views regarding women's rights and what they mean in society. The mother strongly believes in the Franco regime and that women should be subservient to men (Cantero). She feels Pillar's desire to live on her terms is wrong. Her mother's beliefs are very different from hers, showing how unified their relationship can become.
Pillar's relationship with her sister does not also present unified beliefs because they are from different generations. Pillar's sister is more liberal and believes in women's rights. She feels Pillar should be able to live her life on her terms, but their mother is not supportive of this idea (Cantero). Pillar's relationship with her sister is very different from that with her mother. Pillar's sister understands that their mother is old-fashioned and believes women should be subservient to men. Her...
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