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E-cigarettes should be treated as regular cigarettes

Essay Instructions:

E-CigarettesEngl. 301ÂESSAY #3A Los Angeles Times article published on 3/5/14 titled "After heated debate, L.A. restricts e-cigarette use" by David Zahniser and Marisa Gerber reports that e-cigarettes, which many consider to be safer than "cancer-causing tobacco products" have been banned in "parks, restaurants and most workplaces" by "a growing list of cities that treat e-cigarettes just the same as regular cigarettes (A1+).
By utilizing your timed writing, the reading by Zahniser and Gerber, class discussion, your own experience and observations write a focused and well-developed essay in which you:
Explain whether e-cigarettes should be treated the same way as cigarettes made from tobacco. Be sure to also explain the differences between the two types of cigarettes.
Criteria for Evaluation
A well-constructed thesis that is clear and purposeful
Coherent topic sentences in each paragraph that clearly support the thesis
Focused and organized essay structure (thesis, topic sentences, etc.)
Unified and well-developed paragraphs throughout
Specific and detailed support and evidence for your arguments
Relevant support for your arguments from the reading (MLA style format): Use at least two quotes or paraphrases from the Zahniser and Gerber article
Thorough and logical analysis of your ideas
Coherence within paragraphs and between paragraphs
Sentence variety and appropriate diction (NO contractions)
Clear sentences edited for grammar and sentence structure problems
Paper Format
All take-home essays must be formatted according to MLA style. Always provide 1" margins at the top, bottom and sides, and use a 12-point font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Don't forget to add page numbers and your last name.
Due Date and Specifications
The rough draft of Essay #3 is due Mon, 4/7. You will do peer evaluations then. The final draft is due Wed, 4/9. The required length for the revision is a minimum of FIVE pages, not including the Works Cited page. You must submit your final draft to Dropbox by class time on 4/9.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
E-cigarettes should be treated as regular cigarettes
The debate surrounding use of e-cigarettes still divides opinion as more cities adopt legislations curbing the use of these cigarettes in public spaces. Even though, supporters of e- cigarettes state that these cigarettes help to stop smoking, there are growing concerns that as more people begin by vaping and then there will be a rise in cigarette smoking. E- Cigarettes are touted as a safer alternative to regular cigarettes if used alone, but there is insufficient evidence to show the long-term effects of vaping are less harmful than smoking. However, what is clear is that use of e-cigarettes is a public health concern because of nicotine, and other compounds in the products. With increased scrutiny of the effect of e- cigarettes on human health, it is vital to point out that like regular cigarettes they can also cause addiction. Even though -cigarettes do not contain tar, as one of the main causes of cancer, nicotine contained in vapor still has harmful effect, and there are few requirements to disclose the contents of e- cigarettes and hence it is possible that there are various agents that may cause illnesses. The FDA now calls for manufacturers to prove that e-cigarettes are less harmful than conventional cigarettes, reigniting the debate on the need to have restrictions on vaping in public places. Furthermore, it could be harder to quit smoking if people believe that using e-cigarettes is not harmful to their health (Mascarelli). This paper focuses on reasons as to why e-cigarettes should be treated the same way as cigarettes made from tobacco.
Both e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes contain nicotine, but the electronic versions use liquid nicotine. There are risks that use of e-cigarettes could lead to an increase in tobacco use among youths as the nicotine laced vapor could be a gateway to using conventional cigarettes that use tobacco (Zahniser & Marisa). Exposure to liquid nicotine has the same effects as conventional cigarettes and hence the two products should be treated as the same, as liquid nicotine exposure has a negative impact on the health of users. One of the harmful effects of e- cigarettes that have received less attention is that there is increased risk of poisoning and this poses a health risk to users. Even though, the cigarettes do not have tar and carbon monoxide, the vapor released in smoking still contains dangerous nicotine compounds. Lack of scientific evidence on the impact of vaping puts into question the safety of the electronic products. Since there are fewer regulations than conventional cigarettes, there is a possibility that these cigarettes contain toxic compounds that have not been detected. Even though, supporters of e- cigarettes claim that they contain less contaminant than regular cigarettes, there is still toxicity and hence the cigarettes should be treated as regular cigarettes (Zahniser & Marisa). Claiming that people are safer from using e- cigarettes because of inadequate evidence ignores the fact that non regulation of using e-cigarettes may minimize the impact of the products as producers are not compelled to disclose the contents of e- cigarettes. Nobody really knows the effect of breathing vapor into lungs, but most likely inhaling anything than clean, fresh air is potentially harmful. To limit the possibility of harmful effects on users, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cautions that there are ingredients that may cause harm to users of e-cigarettes. In any case, limited information from manufacturers means that people are not aware of the levels of nicotine that they inhale. There is a risk of poisoning from using e-cigarettes as the liquid nicotine can cause harm to users. Because of the harmful effect of nicotine in both products, e- Cigarettes are similar to regular cigarettes with regards to health concerns (Zahniser & Marisa).
One of the dangers of recent use of e-cigarettes is that advertisement may actually lead to more smoking rather than lead to quitting as purported supporters of these products (Ma...
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