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Illegal immigrants should be granted amnesty

Essay Instructions:

Please follow the instructions in attachment file. make sure after you write the essay, do 3 thing 1- Mapping (brainstorm) 2- FREE WRITING (summarize the essay in one paragraph ) 3-Writer’s Report ( there is an example about it in attach file)


Final Essay: Opinion


Write an opinion essay. Make sure you have studied Chapters 14 and 15 in our text on argumentation. If you use sources, consult Chapter 17. Use MLA style.

Due April 15, 2014.


Writing Prompts:

Below are some writing prompts for you to consider as topic for your essay:

Do you support cosmetic surgery? Tatoos? Body piercings?

Do you believe the opposite sex has it better?

Has your body image influenced who you are or do looks matter?

Are our sexual preferences a matter of choice (nature or nurture)?

Should alternative lifestyles (like homosexuality) be tolerated?

Should gays be allowed to marry?

Is it really so bad that the video store sells porn?

Do you believe race discrimination still exists?

Or, come up with a topic you feel strongly about.



  • Word count: 625
  • Patterns of Development Required: Argumentation
  • Use the Essay Format.
  • Attach Mapping and Freewriting.
  • Attach Writer’s Report, including Purpose/Content Outline.
  • Be free of Fatal Spelling and Grammar Errors


Our 12-Step Program:

Step 1: Choose a topic.

Step 2: Freewrite.

Step 3: Map.

Step 4: Shape your essay. Look for help in the chapter on Argumentation.

Step 5: Answer the questions: 10 Things to Learn in 101.

Step 6: Write. Use valid arguments. Avoid logical fallacies.

Step 7: Find fresh eyes to read your paper.

Step 8: Rewrite. And expect to rewrite many times.

Step 9: Proofread. Isolate sentences and catch careless errors.

Step 10: Prepare your Writer’s Report and purpose/content outline.

Step 11: Make sure you have fulfilled the requirements.

Step 12: Submit your essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Free writing
Illegal immigration patterns have changed the demographics of America over time. There is no agreement on whether illegal immigration is beneficial or whether it imposes costs on the American tax payer. In order to decide on whether to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants there economic impact, treatment by authorities and reasons as to why they come to America should all be considered. However, is there need to also focus on stereotypes in determining how to treat illegal immigrants? This still remains a puzzle as illegal immigrants do not enjoy the same rights as Americans, but they are also more prone to abuse.
Mapping whether they are a security threat
 Low wages Take away taxes or whether
Illegal immigration Economic impact have positive impact on the economy
 Human rights human rights violation and exploitation
Course: English 101
Instructor: Kathleen E. Studebaker
Illegal immigrants should be granted amnesty
The U.S. is a melting pot of cultures due to immigration to the country over time, use of English language; the national anthem and constitution have been unifying factors over time. However, immigration from the Southern border has elicited debate on whether there should be more restrictions on illegal immigration. In particular, immigrants from the U. S. southern border typically come from Central and South America speaking Spanish and cross illegally. Legal migration through visa issuance and proper documentation is not controversial, but the debate on illegal immigration divides supporters and opponents of giving amnesty to illegal immigrants. Security matters, respect of American laws and economic impact of illegal immigration shape opinion on the issue.
Immigrants come to America to improve their lives and that of relatives back at home. The American way of life and notion of ‘American Dream’ lures many illegal immigrants into the country with the hope of improving their economic situation. However, with lack of proper documentation this dream does not hold true. In most cases, the immigrants work in low wage temporary jobs that Americans shun, but which are essential for proper functioning of the construction and agricultural sector. Even though, there is an element of exploitation, these workers inadvertently help to keep prices low together with low inflationary pressures. In any case, they merely compliment the workforce where there is little displacement of American workers.
Since the 9/11 attack as there have been heightened concerns on security measures, with fears that terrorists could infiltrate America through illegal immigration. While these fears are not unfounded, they are at times exaggerated by criti...
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