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Does Culture Matter? Society And Human History

Essay Instructions:

You want to mention 3 or 4 articles in your answer, and convince me overall that what you’re writing is connected to the course. I’d keep this to 400-500 words.

Does culture matter?

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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Does Culture Matter? Culture is an important aspect of society and human history. It matters because it helps create cohesion, influences how people experience and tell their stories, and enables people to understand their origin. Culture gives people an identity and some sense of belonging from the rest of the world, especially in times of widespread global migration. Without culture, people lose their sense of belonging and acceptance. Scott (196) reveals that the lack of a “distinctive” culture among Africans who had migrated to other parts of the world made them vulnerable to racism. They had nothing to identify with because they had adopted a way of life that depended on where they were enslaved. Also, Scott (199) also indicates that despite the difficult circumstances, Africans in the New World were able to form a new culture. About the African-Caribbean people, he notes that they were able to form a “modern” culture, despite the imposed European culture and the different origins. Similarly, through cultural symbols, people of a given group can gain a sense of belongingness and purpose. People are also able to communicate things that are significant to them and their culture through symbols in ways that only they can understand. As Wolf (“Virgin of Guadalupe,” 37) reveals, Mexicans have used symbols that send messages of hope and success. However, such messages can only be understood by those who share the Mexican culture and understand the cultural symbols. Those who fail to identify with this culture cannot find a sense of belongingness. Culture matters when it comes to decision-making for people across the globe. Culture acts as a guide that sets right from wrong among a group of people and different cultures place different ...
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