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Difficult Issues and Difficult Clients

Essay Instructions:

there are three difference topics I have named them in the instructions please get my paper correct this time ok. please follow instructions one page for each topic 5 questions each chapter each topic

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Journal readings
Chapter 10
Developing a treatment
Working with the student, I observed teams develop a treatment plan. The teams would help the students with the social and even educational goals. Most of the students need support to make some of the most crucial decisions in their lives. Educational goals were in this case the topic of discussion, where goals and the objectives were set out; as the student wanted learn to the English language as she pursued and citizenship to the United States. As a social worker, I observed the teams work with the students goals and assist where possible. As I such I learned that I should never impose my decision on the student but rather act as a guide to the desires and thoughts. The only time that I am supposed to impose my thoughts in the decision that involves the student’s life, is when they are about to make a grim mistake that may cost them dearly.
Evidently critical thinking skills were crucial to the task given that there was the need to establish the goals of the treatment plan and the personal goals of the students. Other than that there was also the fact that the goals needed to the separated with reference to their importance. In light of the experience, I was able to work with the student and integrate the goals of the treatment plan with those of their personal and educations goals. At the same time, I was able to actively participate in the aspect of developing the plans in light of the differences between goals which are general and objectives which are specific and measurable.
According to the student they had a goal to learn the English language after realizing that they had a problem fitting in relative to the communication challenges. They also have issues with the law, which were incessant and they wanted to find a solution for the same based on the theory used. Working with a student to subdue a problem that is a hindrance to the achievement of their life goals helped in the creation of professional identity. I was not only able to influence their decisions but also to share in their plight and come up with a sustainable solution.
One of the aspects that were employed at a subtle level and one that was learnedin the classrooms was that of active engagement with the students. This way I was able to interact with the students at their level where they feel appreciated and also open up to share their problems. Cultural competence is also a specific social work courses that played a major role in the case management, noting that had not before interacted with Asian students. Other than the communications skills acquired from the university courses also went a long way into reinforcing my skills to interact with students productively.
The perspective cognitive behavior theory did work effectively, as eliminated one of the underlying obstacles to the achievement of the students goals. Having established the various steps to take, the student had a clear line of direction and renewed purpose.
Chapter 11
Finding your place in the agency
While working at the agency, I observed some of the groups that had achieved high efficiency. Trying to join these groups that had reached the separation stage proved very difficult. All the members were working at their optimal level, with everyone understanding what their role in the group is and perfecting it. It was an incredible experience witnessing group dynamics in action, although some of the groups that I was allowed to jo...
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