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Research And Describe Cause And Effects Of Pollution

Essay Instructions:

Write a cause and effect paragraph essay; five paragraphs. My Topic for the essay is (Pollution). •MLA format • Carina Ramos • professor A. Zucker •English 1A • 10 October 2017 •Double spaced. For the first paragraph for the essay I need a thesis approximately 8-12 sentences. It should include a detailed statement as to the meaning and significance of the topic. Be specific, as the thesis forms the foundation of the paper. Finally, I should have a parameter sentence indicating the cause and three effects. The next three body paragraph should be supporting paragraphs arguing the effects of my cause which is, “Pollution.” Using 3 sources. ONE for each body paragraph, it could be book source, internet source, periodical, etc. •first body paragraph effect should be about Water Pollution. • second body paragraph effect should be Soil Pollution . •Last body paragraph effect should be about Air Pollution. The last paragraph summarizes, in different words, the effects that I chose presented in the paper. Write an effective concluding sentence that makes the reader think carefully about the subject. Paper should conclude with “work cited” page that include the three sources I mentioned for the body paragraphs. Careful with fragments, run on etc. .

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Cause and effects of pollution
Pollution is a common term in everyday life. It refers to the addition of substances to the surrounding at an increasing rate than it could be dispersed or decomposed to a harmless form. Uncontrolled release of these toxic substances beyond the threshold is harmful to the ecosystem. The industrial revolution has escalated the level of pollution in the modern society. Government and other concerned bodies are in collaboration to slow down the rate of pollution in the society. However, inevitable forms of pollution include water, noise, and heat pollution. Though there are various efforts to contain the impacts on the ecosystem, however, global warming has been a serious international challenge. Apparently, the global warming is contributed by the industrial revolution and other human activities like deforestation. However, the effects of pollution on human health are beyond the financial risks involved. The study of environmental pollution is significant since it is a vital threat to human life. This paper examines the primary cause of pollution and the potential effects of pollution.
Air pollution is rampant and claims many lives. The pollution is caused by excessive burning of fuel during intensive industrial activities and automotive. The global warming is the primary result of burning coal into the air. However, dust from quarry sites and loud noise are among other potential cause of air pollution. Meanwhile, water pollution is another challenge to the aquatic species. Dumping of industrial waste is one of the intricate factors contributing to water pollution. Inorganic farming is a threat to marine life. Excessive use of fertilizer, pesticide to control pest in the farm cause irreversible contamination in the water bodies. Moderation should best be applied while applying farms input since the pollution goes beyond water bodies and get into the food chain. Finally, soil pollution is common due to the incorporation of inorganic chemicals in the soil. Human activities like mining and deforestation are the greatest cause of soil pollution.
The most immediate effect pollution is environmental degradation. Excessive disposal of chemical waste into water, air or land reduce the potential value of the ecosystem. Dust and smoke in the air may restrict plants from carrying photosynthesis process. The plants may then dry up contributing to food insecurity and drought (Woodwell, George, 431). Meanwhile, the prominent contribution of acidic rain is sulfur dioxide gas from industrial emission. The acidic rai...
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