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Research And Describe How Can Art Be A Tool For Social Change

Essay Instructions:

How can art be a tool for social change?
Use the authors’ ideas and key terms to spearhead your analysis. Expand your ideas based on the close reading of the essays. Consider the questions and idea quotes that were discussed in class and the questions for critical reading following each text. What is the purpose of art? What is the difference between how Ma and Effective Altruists understand social change? How can those two opposing viewpoints overlap? Can “empathy” really help people connect?Final draft:Paper should include a title, an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Art as a Force for Social Change
Art is a form of expression that people use to try and show to the rest of the world some of their thoughts and perceptions real or envisioned in their world. It is also an integral part of expressing the social changes in the society with an approach on the cultural shifts r foundations. It is quite easy for a person to understand the culture of a foreign community though interacting with the art that they have created over the years. It is also easy to understand the changes that have been effected in the society by simply interacting with their art (Heller, Cheryl). There is a cognitive elements associated with performing arts that is reflective of the social changes in the society (Goodkin, Doug). The element of empathy is also connected to understanding different aspects deeply through arts and even literature. However there is a school of thought that indicates that, empathy is associated with helping the less fortunate in the society other than performing arts. In the real sense, there is a connection between the two. Art is a deeper form of cognitive understanding and appreciation of the concepts that interacts with. Artistic persons can very easily apply their cognitive abilities towards helping the needy in the society. As such, art can actually be used as the platform to sensitive people to be more conscious of the needy in the society and even organize ways in which the society can take part in helping those that are less fortunate. While at the same time helping the people appreciate art even more.
For the most part of the learning process in the school systems, students have in the past been encouraged to take science classes as opposed to art classes. This is relative to the fact that, there are a lot of developments in the technology and engineering arenas. However, art is also one of the growing areas and required more intuitive and innovative approaches when it comes to creating and presenting masterpieces.
‘Because the world economy is so hyper-competitive, much of the focus in education these days from Singapore to Shanghai to American schools is on STEM — science, technology, engineering and math. As important as that is, it is short-sighted. We need to add the empathetic reasoning of the arts to the mix — STEAM. The values behind arts integration — collaboration, flexible thinking and disciplined imagination — lead to the capacity to innovate. A pianist skilled to both read and improvise music is open to listening to what is around him but knows that, to reach excellence, he needs to filter the imagination through the discipline of knowledge. When he performs, you will know instantly if he has achieved that right balance and it works or not.’ (Yo-Yo Ma)
One of the aspects to note about art, is that it is quite expressive and performance is related to the themes that the artist wants to pass across to the audience. Getting the right performance is a crucial bit and one that tramples over the ability to create quality and innovative pieces (Yo-Yo Ma).
There is an integral part of art performances that speaks to the society in a rather subtle level compared to the sciences. And even were sciences are able to create a master piece, they always rely on the performance arts to be able to appeal to the public (Goodkin, Doug). A good example is ...
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