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Concerns Of Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx And Max Weber About Modern Society

Essay Instructions:

1. Please create and complete a table that provides the following information.
2. Compare functionalism and conflict theory. How would the two differ in their understanding of inequality
I will put the photo of this table and don't care about this table, just complete those question from the table as an essay in different part, and please mark it.

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Social Sciences
Concerns of Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx and Max Weber about Modern Society
Durkheim was concerned with understanding social integration and explaining the social order in the modern society. He believed that harmony and cohesion are the two factors that define a community. He stated that the two forms of communities; modern and primitive, both have their roots from the division of labor, which involves breaking tasks into smaller units. He argued that unlike the primitive society, the modern society is built on differentiation that is based on experiences, beliefs, and sentiments. Hence, the contemporary society is dependent on the mutual dependence and organic solidarity among people.
Karl Marx was concerned with social, political and economic changes that take place in the modern society. He examined the effects of industrialization to illustrate the changes that transform a society. Marx argued that societies exist to meet the needs of the people. As a result, the different forces of production like technology, human skills, and tools, have been developed. He believed that the modern industrial society resulted from feudalism and is the cause of capitalism. Capitalism allows people to work to produce products that meet their demands. A capitalist society is divided into bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The former are the people who own the various means of production, while the latter refers to the workers concerned with the production processes.
Max Weber was worried about the problems that pervade the modern society. He argued that the rigid rules that are developed by the bureaucratic organizations will in the future result to a dictatorial domination on people. He called the rules the new iron cage.
Definition of Terms
Durkheim stated that mechanic solidarity takes place when people are linked together because of their similarity and...
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