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Deer Management Conflict Resolution: White-Tailed Deer

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Goals 1. Explore a case study involving stakeholders’ management of white-tailed deer. 2. Examine the process used to make decisions when stakeholders are given the authority to establish management practices. 3. Develop and practice the skills of paraphrasing, summary, and synthesis as they relate to descriptive writing.

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Deer Management Conflict Resolution
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Deer Management Conflict Resolution
Summary of conflict surrounding white-tailed deer
The white-tailed deer population needs active management as per accounts from various task forces. However, animal rights group perceives that the deer population can manage itself without any human intervention. They advocate for natural predators to control the number of deer. Conversely, some individuals advocate for the legalization of hunting as their source of livelihood (Bishop et al., 1999). The category involves hotel owners and families who depend on deer hunting to supplement their protein intake, especially in winter. Hotel owners have realized that banning deer hunting is likely to reduce their overall number of customers, which might have devastating impacts on their businesses. Therefore, the group supports the legalization of deer hunting with the core objective of enhancing the sustainability of their errands.
Managing the white-deer population is critical in preventing the extinction of the species while enhancing the sustainability of the businesses that depend on the animals. A group in the population anticipates that the local authorities should allow them to kill deer for various reasons. For instance, recreational hunters justify their killing of deer as a way of keeping their numbers in check. Similarly, suburban residents argue the need to kill deer, which destroy valuable properties after straying into their homes (Department of Environmental Conservation, 2001). Besides, they affirm that hunting should be illegal around their home areas as it is a practice with far-reaching negative impacts. Lastly, the farmers assert that killing deer can be the only way to control those who stray to their homes.
The process of making decisions
The high deer population in urban and suburban areas influences people to weigh options on the advantages and disadvantages of the animals. One of the critical deer management decisions is controlling their numbers (Bishop et al., 1999). If relevant authorities fail to contain the numbers, people must either accept proble...
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