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Social Norms and Socialization Theories

Essay Instructions:

Due Date: 9/24/21
The purpose of the project is to show us how pervasive social norms are in our lives and how
unconsciously and willingly we obey them. To complete this assignment, please violate a social
norm and write a report of your experience. The objective of the research is to determine the
extent to which norms influence behavior. Thus, you will want to play particular attention to the
research of both yourself and others who are part of the situation. Please follow the guidelines
1. Break the norm in a social setting, observe the reactions of others and yourself, and
record as quickly as possible those reactions.
2. DO NOT:
a. Break any laws or cause anyone else to break the law.
b. Cause any harm to yourself or anyone else.
c. Do anything that is legally or morally questionable, or that could bring negative
sanctions against you or BU.
3. Ten points of the total assignment are designated to your ability to use theories of
socialization to explain behavior, learning, and patterns in human behavior. Please use
relevant theories and terms from your readings in writing the assignment.
Respond to these first two questions prior to violating the norm.
The assignment should be written in essay form. Please use a word processor and double
spacing. The complete assignment should be between 500 and 1,000 words.
(1) Before you break the norm, describe the norm you will break. Briefly explain how this
norm acts as a mechanism of social control. Describe what you will do to violate the
(2) Describe the range of possible reactions others will have to the violation of this norm and
your prediction of the major reaction.
(3) Describe the setting:
a. Physical – where is the norm violation-taking place?
b. Social – how many and what types of persons are observing?
(4) Describe what happened when you violated the norm.
(5) Did you experience sanctions once you broke the norm? Were the sanctions subtle or
explicit punishments? Describe the sanctions (if any). Explain why you experienced or
did not experience any sanctions.
(6) Describe your feelings when you violated the norm. Why do you imagine you felt the
way you did? Did people react the way you expected? Explain.
(7) How does conforming to and violating social norms, generally, fit into the lifelong
process of socialization?
Extra tips and guidelines:
Please use the following guidelines for the first homework assignment:
1. Describe the norm you are violating: describe how this norm enforces social control within the
setting [hint: read what these terms mean in the text]. Also, elaborate on your expectations
regarding possible consequences for violating the norm prior to undertaking the experiment.
2. Discussing the range of reactions: clearly identify possible reactions others will have to the
violation of this norm and why those reactions are expected.
3. Describing the setting: clearly describe the physical and social setting and why it is appropriate
for the exercise.
4. Describing sanctions faced: clearly describe the sanctions that your violation attracts. Also
explain your own as well others’ reactions sociologically (using terms from the lectures, text, and
5. Describing reactions: clearly describe your feelings upon violating the norm and explain why you
felt the way you did. Also, explain why people’s reaction to the breach met or did not meet with
your expectations.
6. Role of socialization: clearly explain, using theories of socialization, how we acquire these
norms, your effect on behavior, and implications for lifelong learning (this is a major portion of
the assignment, so please spend some time doing it in detail).

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Social Norms and Socialization Theories
For this activity, I will bypass customers queuing in Nordstrom to purchase goods. Forming a line at store counters is a deeply rooted social norm in western culture. This social norm has played a crucial role in enforcing social control, especially with the advent of the Covid 19 pandemic. Despite the urgency, need, and time, people abide by these unwritten rules. In today's fast-paced world, this norm plays a crucial role in promoting law and order, ensuring fairness and equality that contributes to the growth and development of a society. After violating this norm, I expect people to be angry, livid at my behavior, and I will be stared at and shunned by others. In furtherance, I experienced a lot of prejudice and resentment.
Immediately after the incident, people will be shocked will by this uncouth behavior. Depending on the audience, some may scream, yell and shout at to stop the act. For example, if the incident happens at Target, many people in the line will smirk, stare or inform the shop attendant about my rebellious attitude.
During the altercations, shop attendants will be angry that I am interfering with their regular schedule. The manager will also be furious because this incident will create a negative impression about the enterprise. On the other hand, the security officers will be anxious to handle me as kicking me out may build resentment and cause an accident. In summary, violating social norms can cause confusion, anger, and irritation for both the business and the customers.
This incident will happen in a retail clothing store in d...
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