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The impacts that World War I had on European Culture & Society during the 1920'2 & 1930's

Essay Instructions:
Describe the devastating impacts that World War I had on European society & culture during the 1920\'s & 1930\'s. Construct an argument and provide specific historic examples to support your point. I've attached some pages from the source book that citations should come from. "The Making of the West", 3rd edition, Vol 2, by Lynn Hunt, et al.. Atleast 4 or 5 citations from this source book
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Impact of World War 1 (1914-1918) on European Culture
The aftermath of WW1 was a watershed moment in the history of Europe as this marked the decline of Europe’s influence over the world. In essence, the war crippled the economies of man, European nations and weakened the political powers of countries and former empires. Consequently new nations emerged out of the war with new socio cultural perspectives. Coincidentally the decline of Europe led to the emergence of other powers including Japan and America. The devastation and decline of former powerful empires was more pronounced in Russia, where the Bolshevik revolution overthrew the Czar regime and instituted a socialist system. Furthermore, the Austro -Hungarian Empire collapsed, and Germany also had regime change from the Kaiser to Weimar Republic. Additionally, new nations emerged including Czechoslovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia. This paper will look into the devastating impacts of World War 1 on Europe’s culture and society.
Firstly, the war led to a formation of new countries with inadequate laws and policies on how to govern social relations. There were, many conflicting interests in these countries as ethnic minorities tried to undermine the social relations of the societies. In Poland, non ethnic Poles including Germans, Ukrainians, and Belarusians led to the collapse of representative democracy and hence increased social tensions. These mew countries also brought together people with diverse cultural and religious this inadvertently led to more divisions between communities (Hunt 823). Consequently, social tensions among differing communities eventually led to political instabilities and suppression of individual freedoms.
The destructive effects led to the negative adoption of utopian ideal among Europeans. Utopianism has a negative impact of creating false hope among the population this was especially common among German artists (Hunt et al 828). Additionally, other people called for the need to abandon European way of life and adopt other cultures which at the time appeared more sensitive to the plight of people whereas European culture was seen lacking moral ethics. Essentially the war created doubts and mistrusts about European culture and in the process alienating many people. Grosz, one of the leading artists of this time depicted gruesome paintings of wartime in the form of mutilated soldiers and slain women. The traumatic war caused disillusionment also led to the adoption of radical philosophies including communism in Russia under the Bolshevik revolution. Nihilism became acceptable in Europe and people believed less in ethics, morality and...
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