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Argumenative essay on gay marriage

Essay Instructions:
this is exactly what my teacher sent me, A major part of your grade in English Composition II is a research paper on a nonfiction topic. The research paper is 20% of your final grade. The research paper should be a minimum of four and no more than seven pages in length excluding your cover page and bibliography. The paper must be typed in black ink and in 12-point font. It must be double-spaced with one-inch margins on white paper. You need to document your sources in MLA style as indicated by Keys for Writers and/or A guide to MLA Documentation. Keys for Writers is available in the NPCC bookstore located in the Campus Center. A Guide to MLA Documentation is usually available at Books a Million. The research paper must contain a minimum of seven sources including two electronic sources, two print sources, two periodicals, and one reference source. More sources may be included but seven is the minimum. You are expected to keep copies of all sources referenced in your paper. You cannot list a source in your Works Cited page unless you use it in the text of your paper. The research paper is to be a persuasive argument where you take a position on a topic and argue the merits of your thesis. Your main purpose is to persuade readers to see things your way or move readers to action (Raimes 5). Your thesis is your statement of purpose about your topic in your paper. It should be narrow enough that you can adequately cover your topic in the space assigned (4 to 7 pages). However, if your topic is too narrow you may not be able to find enough sources to support your claim. Review Keys for Writers for further explanations on developing a strong thesis. Your internet sources must be academic. You may not use a .com or Wikipedia. Your internet sources must have URLs ending in .org, .edu, or .gov. A regular dictionary is not considered an adequate reference for this paper. Your paper must include citations in the body of the paper. A citation gives the source of your material and looks like this (Dugan 1). Notice there is no comma between the author's name and the page number. If your paper does not include citations then it is either NOT a research paper or it is plagiarized. In either case, you will not receive credit. On page 195 of Keys for Writers there is a sample research paper. Part 2 of Keys for Writers offers an excellent guideline to writing research papers. I strongly recommend that you read this entire section of your book. Please pay special attention to the Key Points on pages 126 – 129 on avoiding plagiarizing. These page numbers may be different if you have the new updated MLA version of Keys for Writers. Special Note: When downloading information from the internet always note the day you originally accessed the information as this date must be included in your bibliography. Following are terms used when writing a research paper. We will have a test on these terms. Research Terms Bibliography – an alphabetical list of sources used in a research paper. Call Number – tells you where a book is located in the library stacks. Online Databases – an online library or museum collection is a database providing information about that institution's collection. Some online databases such as ERIC provide only bibliographical information and an abstract. Others such as Lexis-Nexis provide the full text article. Indexes – a list of articles available in print and in electronic databases. Consult the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature for articles printed before 1980. Consult electronic indexes such as Applied Science and Technology Index for more recent articles. Journal – a periodical written by credentialed authors for a specialized reading audience. Periodical – works published periodically such as journals, magazines, and newspapers. Primary Sources-firsthand or original sources such as biographies, historical documents, government statistics, questionnaires, interviews, etc. Secondary sources-analytical works that comment on primary works Short Quotation – a quotation that runs less than five lines should be enclosed in quotation marks and run into the text rather be set off. Long quotation – a quote of twenty words or more should be set off from the body of the paragraph and indented ten spaces from the left margin. The quotation is double - spaced Reference works-provide basic factual information. Reference works include encyclopedias, atlases, almanacs, and dictionaries. URL – uniform resource locator. A web address for a particular website. Library of Congress Classification System – system of arranging books by subject area and often the author's last name and date of publication Summary – a brief reinstatement of information or plot. A summary is briefer than the original Paraphrase – a reinstatement –a sort of translation of the original –especially if the original is somewhat obscure. A paraphrase is generally shorter than a summary and substitutes your words for those of the authors. Parenthetical Reference-documents the source of a reference within the body of the text. Quotation – a word for word restating of an author's writing enclosed in quotation marks and properly cited.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Gay marriage
Gay marriage can be defined as a marriage that exists between two men. They have similarbiotic sex or they have same gender identity. This kind of marriage is allowed in some countries while in others it is prohibited. For example in Kenya it is not allowed right from the newly passed constitution. It contains so many controversies and it is condemned from the cultural background, social values, Christian and also in the biological aspects.
The introduction of this kind of marriage has been speckled by jurisdiction, being variously proficient through a legislative alteration to marital laws, a court of law ruling grounded on constitutional warranties of fairness, or by actually direct prevalent vote. The recognition of gay marriage is a social, political, religious and civil-rights issue in many countries, and arguments continue to rise over whether gays or lesbians should be allowed marriage, be obligatory to graspdifferent standing or else not to have such privileges (John 2013).
According to research done on various countries that actually propose for the legalization of gay marriage argues that this issue of gayety is commonly in higher institutions of education like colleges among other places. In many polls, there have been reveal that most countries do support the marriage between similar people.
Gay marriage has varied by authority, subsequenting from judicialvicissitudes to laws regarding marriage; frequently in most countries the court has been opposing the constitutional warranties of equality fairness, or sometimes the authorization by voters through ballots and through referendums. According to many the acknowledgment of gay relationship is equality, civil rights, social, political, religious and moral concern in many countries. It has been very difficult for many to decide on whether the couples in same relationship should have marriage ritual. Gay marriage has been providing the taxpayers with administration facilities and makesfiscal demands on them similar to those afforded to and vitaltoopposite sex married couples.Additionally it also provides the alliespermissibleguards such as hospital visitation rightsand inheritance rights (Jonathan 2012).
Some of the countries that allow gay marriage include: Norway, Portugal, Netherlands, South Africa, Belgium, Iceland and also Canada among others. Some other countries have not yet allowed gay marriage in their countries but it is also being practiced in their nation. Most countries discriminate gay couples both in social places and public places. Furthermore many NGOs actually condemn gay marriage since they consider it as an abnormal relationship issue.
According to world literature indicates the parent`s psychological, physical wellbeing and financial is mostly facilitated by marriage and that most children get full benefit by being brought up by both parents in a lawfully recognized society. Most scientific research conducted has really showed that most gay parents are fit and also capable like the heterosexual ones, there children also are healthy and also similar to the ones reared by heterosexual parents.
Moreover research has gone further and showed that gay couples can`t get their own children except through adoption. This therefore means that their sex is only for leisure and not for reproduction. It is clear from research that gay marriage has very many disadvantages
Therefore it should at all never be allowed to take place anywhere in the world. Some of the disadvantages of gay marriage i...
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