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Critical Comment-Global Political Economy

Essay Instructions:
The goal of this assessment is to test your ability to identify the main arguments of the collection of readings for the week and offer a critical reaction based on different theoretical perspectives of global political economy, historic events, current events, topics of other weeks of our class, or your outside knowledge and thinking on the topic. This assignment contributes to CG 1 and at least one of the other CGs, depending on the week chosen. There are two separate parts required: Summary and Analysis. You will need to complete both. You will be evaluated both on the correctness of content as well as the quality of writing, as detailed in the rubric. The Critical Comment must be completed by the end of the week; once a new week has begun, it is too late to write a Critical Comment on the previous week’s topic. In that case, you must submit a Critical Comment for a different week. Also, you may NOT write a critical comment on the same topic/ week for which you are either debating yourself or doing a story of the week presentation. This is in order to allow the various assessments to evaluate your learning of distinct CGs.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Instructor’s Name Course Section Date Title Summary The articles “The ‘China model’ and the global crisis: from Friedrich List to a Chinese mode of governance” by Shaun Breslin and “Beijing’s Bismarckian Ghosts: How Great Powers Compete Economically” by Markus Brunnermeier, Rush Doshi, and Harold James provides a complimentary analysis of China’s economic plans and the influence it may have on the international order. Breslin’s article covers the development of the “China model” while the global economic crisis is acting as a background of it. Breslin refers to the idea of the developmental state stemming from the theories of Friedrich List and its current assertion emphasizing the state’s role in economic development and protectionism (Breslin 1324). He asserts that China’s model shows difference with the Western economic standard, as it underscores the critical role of the state in driving economic growth and promoting country interests (1327). Going into the example of China’s response to the global financial crisis, Breslin illustrates the strong and weak points of the China model which elicit such inquiries as how sustainable in the long-run and flexible it is in the dynamic global shifting landscape. Brunnermeier, Doshi, and James develop a different perspective, employing the geopolitical lens, and comparing the strategies of China with that of Bismarck (Brunnermeier et al. 163). They contend that China’s economic behavior lies somewhere between Bismarck’s idea of using economic power to serve geopolitical objectives and maintaining political stability at home. The essay focuses on how China is applying economic instruments including investment, commerce, and finance to gain globally concerning its hegemony vis-à-vis the United States (167). Highlighting these approaches, they emphasize the importance of acquaintance with China’s economic behavior for finding the ways to face current geopolitical challenges and keep global stability. Hence, taken as a whole, they form a comprehensive idea that shows in which way China shapes global economic orientation toward certain direction that influences the governance and stability globally. Breslin’s scrutiny underlines the concrete features of China model which contrast with the standard Western economic theories, so one needs to think about the effectiveness of it while trying to deal with global crisis. Likewise, the aim of Brunnermeier, Doshi, and James is to explain the strategic motivations behind the influence of Chinese economics, which point to the aggressive ambitions of China regarding other world powers and the repercussions for the world order. By interpreting these various views, scholars and policymakers will be able to uncover the multilayered and multiple features of the Chinese system and its relation to global governance and politics. Analysis The scrutiny of the China model by Shaun Breslin demonstrates ...
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