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Creativity and Its Importance in Everyday Life

Essay Instructions:

Visit the website The Creative Jungle

Look over all the articles and select two that appeal to you and relate to your experiences.

Do not select an article that you have already written about in a Discussion forum post.

Paper Format: Papers should be written in essay form with the following paragraph structure. Follow the guideline below. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence and end with a concluding sentence. Proofread for grammar, spelling and punctuation. Use the following paragraph structure for your essay.

Paragraph 1: Introduction. Begin with general comments about creativity, what it is and why is it important in everyday life. Incorporate ideas from the following articles listed in this week's module: What is Creativity? and Why is Creativity Important in Everyday Life? Then, include the title and author of both articles you have selected from the website. Develop a thesis statement about the importance of creativity and whether creativity is something everyone can do.

Paragraph 2: Summarize the main ideas of article #1 you have selected. Give some specific examples from the article. What are the main points? What conclusions does the author make? Use your own words. No quotes.

Paragraph 3: Critique article #1. Give your personal response to the author's main ideas. In your opinion what were the strong points and weak points. Are there any relevant ideas the author did not bring up? Do you think the ideas promote creativity in everyday life? Why did you choose this topic? How do these ideas relate to you and your experiences? Give examples of ways you could incorporate this information into your life. Give first person statements, "I think..."

Paragraph 4: Summarize the main ideas of article #2. Use your own words.

Paragraph 5: Critique article #2.

Paragraph 6: Conclusion. Compare the two articles. What are the pros and cons of each article? Which article do you prefer or think has the best ideas for you in terms of developing creativity? Although they may both present valid ideas, choose one article that appeals to you more and give your reasons why. In general, do you think a person can modify their behavior or attitude to enhance creativity and make things happen?

Length: Papers should be 900-1200 words. 12 point font. Use paragraph form. Single-spaced.

Papers will be graded on:

1) Adherence to the topic assignment and instructions listed above.

2) Content and original thinking

3) Clarity and organization

4) Grammar, spelling, punctuation, format and word count.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Creativity in Everyday Life
Creativity is the ability to recognize and come up with unique ideas that may be essential in enabling effective and efficient communication, articulate problem solving, and entertainment (California State University, Northridge). Creativity is highly important because it activates and engages the mind, enables empathy, facilitates togetherness, and helps to motivate and stimulate people to move beyond their comfort zone. The reason people are motivated showcase their creativity is their need to communicate and openly show their values and ideas, their need to solve problems, and their need to create a complex and novel stimulation California State University, Northridge. Creativity is an essential part of life and everyone should try to spark it in their unique ways. The paper will use two articles: ‘How boredom can spark creativity’ by Clare Thorp, and ‘Can creativity be taught?’ by Victoria Glazar.
In her article, Claire Thorp gives case studies and quotes different people and their view on how boredom sparks creativity. She states that most often when people get bored, their fist instinct is usually to find something else to do to cover the boredom. Such things could be binge watching Netflix or scrolling through social media. Claire expresses the thoughts of researchers on boredom and creativity. For instance, she states how Agatha Christie, acknowledged the importance of boredom, yet she was not the first writer to do so. Neil Gaiman said that one has to allow themselves to fall into boredom so that the mind can tell a story. Throughout the article, Claire shows how several writers and award-winning creatives found boredom as an essential part of being creative.
Claire Thorp and her review of the ideas of other people on how boredom sparks creativity offers insight into what creativity really is. Naturally, the human mind starts to wander and think about unique ideas when it is idle or when it is bored. It is during moments of boredom that a bomb idea crosses the mind and allows people to express themselves in their best interest. In the article, one of the strongest point as expressed by Neil Gaiman is that the mind has to be bored for it to tell itself a story. In its active state, it is almost impossible for the mind to ...
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