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Creating an Interest Group

Essay Instructions:


This assignment will require two things--creative, original thinking AND an integration of what is covered by Ch. 11. If you want to receive FULL credit, you must answer all of the parts of the assignment AND use the textbook to demonstrate your integration of this week's material (please cite your page numbers). Remember, this work is to be ORIGINAL and will require some thought, so PLEASE budget your time accordingly.

Assignment Prompt: "Citizen groups" are a type of interest group which your textbook points out are "more likely than any other type to be mentioned [by lobbyists and government officials] as being influential" (WTP, p. 401). After reading Ch. 11, think of something you feel strongly about--it can be something serious OR something more out-of-the box or even light-hearted (As an Astros fan, I might create an interest group to lobby Congress to intervene and prevent all MLB lockouts, so the season is not delayed because of the impact on the economy, etc.). "Create" a "citizen group" (see WTP, pp. 401-403) around your chosen topic whose purpose will be to persuade Congress of the importance of your group and to pass favorable legislation. (NOTE: Obviously, there are many pre-existing interest groups on some topics that might be important to you. Try to distinguish yours from them in some way if you choose a topic that is already well-represented by interest groups.) Answer the following questions in a few, well-developed paragraphs, totaling at least 350 words. Originality, creativity, and thoughtfulness rewarded and included in the revised grading rubric! Please include a standard, MLA header on your paper with your name, course number, etc. Your title should be the name of your proposed interest group. NOTE: DO NOT RE-TYPE THIS PROMPT OR THE QUESTIONS. This should be written like a "mini-paper." Again, write this in paragraph form without repeating the questions--just answer them! If you forget and include the prompt or questions directly, these WILL NOT count towards your word count. Just don't do it!!! Also, do not pick a state or local issue (like dress code (local school board issue) or gambling in Texas (state issue). This must be a national issue. Email before the assignment is due if you want my feedback on your topic.

What is the name of your group and what is its purpose/goal? (In other words, what issue are you trying to influence Congress to support?) Why is this issue important?

How will persuade people to be a part of your interest group?

How will you organize/what strategies will you choose to have the greatest influence on Congress? (The chapter is full of how interest groups influence Congress!)

Discuss several "selective benefits" members will receive for being a part of your group (be sure to categorize them using the labels used included in the WTP textbook (see WTP, pp. 404-405)).

Do you think your interest group will be successful in its endeavors?

Remember to cite your page numbers from the textbook. You may use the same format used in the prompt (ex: WTP, p. ___).

Be creative and have fun with this! You can make it as serious or as off-the-wall as you would like as long as you answer all components of the question and integrate information from the textbook.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Course Code
Creating an Interest Group
This article focuses on lobbying congress to intervene and avoid all Major League Baseball (MLB) lockouts. In MLB lockouts, the management informs employees to avoid showing up. Alternatively, in the strike, workers report to management that they will not turn up. However, the organization stops in both ways since the employees are absent. Therefore, owners can apply lockouts as leagues can function with no new collective bargaining agreement, although it is common in the MLB. The ownership can use this process as a strategy to gain leverage by controlling the timing of the negotiation. Therefore, it is essential to lobby congress to prevent MLB lockouts from minimizing the adverse outcomes for the participants.
Regardless of the season, it is important to address lockout because it is negative for business. Usually, no game or paycheck is misused during the winter, although players tend to refer to the lockout as provocative. Therefore, supporters are pushed into the player's camp once you declare a lockout. Therefore, players argue that although they are the reason for coming out of the game, fans would not be able to watch matches due to what the management did. Besides, the teams will monitor players' progress after an injury. Even though several players recover away from facilities in the offseason, the team is likely to lack the feel for players' recovery whenever they cannot discuss it (Justice). Thus, it is difficult for the player to receive the outcomes the team is looking for, particularly when evaluating the timeline for a comeback from injury. We would encourage the management to force the players to strike to allow the administration to say the players are refusing to participate.
Finding ways to encourage and entice people to join my interest group is integral. I believe there are several individuals globally who are unaware of the adverse impacts of the lockout. One way I would embrace this is by telling people about the effect of the lockout. Usually, for an average fan, the lockout is unlikely to make any difference until spring training. Therefore, its presence would not benefit the fans, meaning it should not be there. Moreover, I would encourage people to join my interest group because the lockout would contribute to an agreement before the start of the new MLB season since a lot can be lost if the commencing series are pushed from their starting dates. Thus, the players will likely lose $ 20.5 per day cut from the common season schedule (Wagner). Therefore, it is essential to fight against the introd...
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