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Components of EQ: Four Components of Emotional Intelligence

Essay Instructions:

This paper is on the four components of Emotional Intelligence.
Write about the topic, explaining it, and write about a skill or strategy you have learned and how it will help you be successful business. Choose a skill/ strategy listed on the attached pp
Be specific, use stories, and describe the requirements of your field (or a profession in which you are interested) and why these skills will be important for you.
Please research articles, videos, books or use something from class or the resource list attached to make your case. 
I also attach a pdf to use as one of the sources. You can use the that is attach in the pdf. and also use other viable resources as well

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Four Components of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence entails recognizing and managing one's emotions and those of others. There are four crucial components of emotional intelligence (Mayer and Salovey 4). These are measured by the Emotional Competence Inventory, published by The Hay Group. Studies show that people with high emotional intelligence have greater mental health, job performance, and leadership skills. These are the major determinants of the success of every business organization and they are composed of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management. The paper comprehensively analyzes these components and their applicability in business to make it success (Brackett, Rivers and Shiffman 781).
Self-Awareness involves how much one knows and how accurately one can assess their emotions. For example, most people are busy with their daily activities and seldom take a step back and rethink about how they are responding to situations and the means of overcoming them. Self-awareness also involves recognition on how others respond to us. It is very critical since most people tend to see what they want to see and manage to avoid the uncomfortable action of asking others for feedback. For one to grow in their self-awareness, they need to regard taking time for reflection into what they have done. Also, be persistence in considering collecting specific feedback from people who will be honest and whose ideas are valuable. Studies show that leaders who sought out negative feedback were much more self-aware and efficient than those who have tried out positive feedback (Kafetsios 131).
Self-management is one’s abilities to control their emotions. Self-management also includes one’s transparency, adaptability, achievement, and optimism. In this component while reacting to situations consider: When one gets an irritating message, do they respond immediately? Does sometimes one respond to issues imperfectly such that they regret later? In such cases reacting to situations come naturally due to emotions but responding to them after making some considerations is termed as self-management. It involves engaging rational part of the brain while responding to circumstances (Rode, Mooney and Arthaud-day 402).
Social -Awareness. The ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people. Developing social awareness involves learning about dynamics of social relationships between individuals, groups, and communities. An individual who is socially aware values human rights and acknowledges the importance of harmonious social interaction for the developmental progress of people. For one to develop social awareness, one need to consider the needs of the groups. Also, examine one's role in the conflict, increase sensitivity to social justice and harmony and educate oneself on social issues. Also ask others to support an individual’s efforts (Reis, Brackett and Shamosh 1388).
Relationship Management is a strategy for one to understand their customers and their needs to increase their interactions with others. The principle leverages technolog...
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