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Association between Optimization and Personhood

Essay Instructions:

There are three reading articles, so please read them carefully. You will need to cite the citations from assigned readings to prove your point. The citations must be complete and cannot be modified. Your citation can only be taken from the three articles I provided to you, you can't go to other references. The Essay requirements and assigned readings are in the attachment.

Readings (three)

Coates, "The First White President" (2017)

Tolentino, "Always be Optimizing" (2019)

Nelson, "Great to Watch" (2011)

Citing textual evidence from the above three readings, compose an argument in response to the following question:

If, as Noë suggests, “personhood is performed,” then what is the role of optimization in our lives? And how can the “roles that we play” reflect the implicit standards of the world around us.? What advantages for the future might we gain from historicizing the past?

Thought-provoker questions to consider as you develop your textual connections. DO NOT try to answer all of these; instead, form one argument with several supporting subclaims in the body paragraphs):

  • For women, why are some performances of personhood more valued than others? 
  • Is optimization a kind of performance? If yes, how and why? If not, why not?
  • What role does style (as Noë describes it) play in women’s experience (as Tolentino describes it)?
  • How might the “ideal woman” be an extension of Noë’s account of “roles”? 
  • On the other hand, how could the “cyborg” work as one of Noë’s “roles”?
  • When or in what context does Noë’s concept of “identification” between fans and pop personalities become problematic for women as described in Tolentino’s essay? (Barre? Instagram?)

Tolentino focuses on the market, capitalism, technology, and patriarchal ideology as components of a “system” that becomes impossible to live outside of. What do these forces add to Noë’s argument about performing to the “standards of our community” (179)?


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Association between Optimization and Personhood
To an extensive degree, the assertion by Noe that personhood is performed is valid. This is because, more often than not, people act in ways they would rather not in ordinary circumstances to gain approval or remain relevant to given societal standards. Concisely, individuals use their personal lives as a stage to showcase themselves and win acceptance from the people they interact with, who are literally their spectators. The same holds for some business entities that strive to perform in ways that would achieve optimum appeal to the audiences. These entities go to any length to further their interests in their respective spheres. For instance, some American media houses have embraced reality shows saturated with untold violence. "The Running Mad," which is one of the most popular TV shows, is a typical example. The show entails pervasive violence. "It features a contestant who agrees to run for his life while being trailed by a group of "Hunters" charged with killing him" (Nelson 299). The network running the show entices the populace by offering to pay anyone who reports sighting the "hunted" man. This is optimization, which, in this context, means acting by capitalizing on a situation or available resources in the best or most effective way. The impact of optimization varies from performer to the spectators; while it could be beneficial to the performer, it might prove injurious to the spectators. Optimization is integral in the lives of individuals or groups that seek to leave an indelible imprint. Therefore, it plays a critical role in people's lives and influences how they reflect on the implicit social, political, and economic standards of the world surrounding them.
Social Optimization
In our social lives, it is impossible to overlook the significant role optimization plays, especially regarding how people interact. Since people are social beings, they often use all means at their disposal to foster meaningful relationships. In essence, the more people individuals appeal to, the more satisfaction they get. In addition, people always strive to intermingle with the best individuals in society. For instance, women have the perception of being fascinating and worthy objects; to them, that matters considerably. As such, she follows every rule in the book to attract the best company that can be got. This affirms the status of a woman who is constantly optimizing. "She takes advantage of the technology, both in the way she broadcasts her image and in the meticulous improvement of that image itself" (Tolentino 64). This is a salient depiction of the troubles people undergo to impress those around them. Sometimes, individuals are constrained by the need to optimize and discard their true identities to adopt new-fangled trends to achieve acceptability. For instance, they feel constrained to dress or eat in ways beyond their means to achieve an elevated sense of belonging. This has inevitably given rise to such social evils as crime and immorality. This is because some cannot raise the money required to earn acceptability through scrupulous means; therefore, they resort to unconventional means.
On the flip side, optimization has several benefits accruing to it in the social context. First, it enables people to foster and maintain meaningful and robust relationships. Since implicit social standards dictate that people live in harmony and meaningfully with others, optimization plays an instrumental role in this regard. Second, it lends individuals the impetus to seek excellence in fronts such as education, sports, economic, and political spheres. 
Political Optimization
Optimization is undoubtedly crucial in the political sphere because politicians make the best use of situations and resources to achieve political relevance and longevity. Precisely, no given politician would make substantial political headway without employing optimization. For one, followers look up to political leaders for influence and motivation. They also view politicians as the panacea to the myriad problems they encounter. Most importantly, they expect political leaders to represent their interests as efficiently and enthusiastically as possible. As such, politicians can only make tangible meaning to their followers if they optimize their political performance. However, the impact of political optimization is predicated on which side of the political divide followers affiliate to. For instance, in the American political arena, an implicit expectation exists among white supremacists that white leaders must actively engage in furthering their white ideologies without any reservations. White supremacists, for instance, hold that politicians, especially presidents, must “ensure that that which all others achieve with maximal effort, white people achieve with minimal qualifications” (Coates 27). Any politician who adopts optimization by unquestioningly supporting such ideologies wins profound admiration from white supremacists. Former president, Donald Trump, must have been privy to this truism since he explicitly espoused white ideologies. For his outspokenness, he made history by being the first American to ascend to the presidency without holding a prior public office. 
On the other hand, optimization guides politicians in making political decisions and formulating policies that directly touch on the implicit interests of the masses. For instance, former president Obama’s administration, at one time, had to deal with the thorny issue of a spate of photographs that depicted the abuse, rape, and torture that Afghani and Iraqi prisoners went through wh...
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