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12 Years a Slave and the Injustices among Blacks

Essay Instructions:

Ideology is a system of values, beliefs, or ideas shared by some social group and often taken for granted as natural or inherently true. People use ideology to picture the way the world works (or should work) and to understand their place in it. Films and other forms of entertainment media are one important place where people get these pictures. Ideology is especially important for understanding how people interact. Choose ONE ideological concern (e.g. class, race, gender roles, sexuality, religion, family structure, etc.) and ONE film that examines it at a deep level. Consider which values your film may unconsciously promote or, as in the case of social criticism, may consciously deconstruct, dismantle or take apart. It is essential that you go beyond the plot and examine underlying meanings and implications.

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The injustices that people of color face have been witnessed worldwide. Black people are the most common victims of injustice. They are discriminated against and do not have as many advantages as other groups. They are thought to be inferior to almost everyone. The worst part about the injustices they face is that they have also witnessed killings, with innocent lives taken because they are Black. Moreover, slavery is the most common event they encounter. They are sold, and their owners treat them as property rather than people. The film 12 Years a Slave depicts this tragic event of slavery among Blacks. It is based on the life story of Solomon Northup, an African-American who was born free but was captured, sold as an enslaved person, and enslaved for twelve long years. Thus, the film demonstrates that slavery and violence against Blacks are already ingrained in American culture, and while these events are terrifying, they are no longer uncommon.
Solomon Northup is a free man in control of his own decisions and actions. He is married and has two children. He makes a living by playing the violin and doing different jobs. However, two men deceive him and pretend to offer him a job, but the truth is that Northup is being drugged. He is kidnapped and sold as an enslaved person. He declares that he is a free man and that no one can tell him what to do except himself; as a result, he is beaten by his master. A significant event during his tenure with Ford, his first master, is that the carpenter, John Tibeats, a White, nearly kil...
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